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File: pizzerine/src/Helpers/OrderMap.js

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  Classes of Hillary Kollan   React Laravel Stripe MailJet Pizza Ordering   pizzerine/src/Helpers/OrderMap.js   Download  
File: pizzerine/src/Helpers/OrderMap.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: React Laravel Stripe MailJet Pizza Ordering
Web application to process orders of Pizza
Author: By
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Date: 2 years ago
Size: 12,763 bytes


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import React, { Component } from "react"; import { withRouter } from "react-router"; import { withGoogleMap, GoogleMap, withScriptjs, InfoWindow, Marker } from "react-google-maps"; import Autocomplete from "react-google-autocomplete"; import Geocode from "react-geocode"; import axios from "axios"; import settings from "./Url"; Geocode.setApiKey(settings.googleMapsApiKey); Geocode.enableDebug(); class OrderMap extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); console.log("Props",this.props.history); this.state = { address: "", phone:"", order_id:0, full_name:"",, residential_address:"", location:"", quantity:1, price:, total_price:, latitude :,, googleMapsApiKey: settings.googleMapsApiKey, email:"", mapPosition: { lat:, lng: }, markerPosition: { lat:, lng: }, responseMessage:"" }; localStorage.setItem("pizzeria.checkout", ""); this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this) } /** * Get the current address from the default map position and set those values in the state */ componentDidMount() { Geocode.fromLatLng(, this.state.mapPosition.lng ).then( response => { const address = response.results[0].formatted_address, addressArray = response.results[0].address_components, city = this.getCity(addressArray), area = this.getArea(addressArray), state = this.getState(addressArray); console.log("city", city, area, state); this.setState({ address: address ? address : "", area: area ? area : "", city: city ? city : "", state: state ? state : "", location: city ? city+"/"+state+"/"+area : "", residential_address:address ? address : "", }); }, error => { console.error(error); } ); } /** * Onclick event function for pizza order form * @param {*} event */ sendOrder = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); this.sendPizzaOrder(this.state); } /** * Send Pizza Order to API * @param {*} data * @param {*} message * this.sendPizzaOrder(this.state, "Order Response") */ sendPizzaOrder = async (data) => { const baseurl = `${settings.baseUrl}/pizza_order` const apiData = data; await, apiData, {headers:settings.headers}) .then((response) => { if( === '200'){ const apiResponseMessage =; this.setState({ order_id: }, function () { localStorage.setItem("pizzeria.checkout", JSON.stringify(this.state)); this.setState({ responseMessage : "Order Collected! redirecting to payment page" }); setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href = "/checkout"; }, 2000) }); return apiResponseMessage; }else{ this.setState({ responseMessage :}); return false; } }) } /** * Component should only update ( meaning re-render ), when the user selects the address, or drags the pin * * @param nextProps * @param nextState * @return {boolean} */ shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { if ( !== || this.state.address !== nextState.address || this.state.residential_address !== nextState.residential_address || !== || this.state.area !== nextState.area || this.state.state !== nextState.state ) { return true; } else if ( === { return true; } } /** * Get the city and set the city input value to the one selected * * @param addressArray * @return {string} */ getCity = addressArray => { let city = ""; for (let i = 0; i < addressArray.length; i++) { if ( addressArray[i].types[0] && "administrative_area_level_2" === addressArray[i].types[0] ) { city = addressArray[i].long_name; return city; } } }; /** * Get the area and set the area input value to the one selected * * @param addressArray * @return {string} */ getArea = addressArray => { let area = ""; for (let i = 0; i < addressArray.length; i++) { if (addressArray[i].types[0]) { for (let j = 0; j < addressArray[i].types.length; j++) { if ( "sublocality_level_1" === addressArray[i].types[j] || "locality" === addressArray[i].types[j] ) { area = addressArray[i].long_name; return area; } } } } }; /** * Get the address and set the address input value to the one selected * * @param addressArray * @return {string} */ getState = addressArray => { let state = ""; for (let i = 0; i < addressArray.length; i++) { for (let i = 0; i < addressArray.length; i++) { if ( addressArray[i].types[0] && "administrative_area_level_1" === addressArray[i].types[0] ) { state = addressArray[i].long_name; return state; } } } }; /** * And function for inputs * @param event */ handleChange = event => { console.log(; if( === "quantity"){ console.log("price", * this.state.price) this.setState({ price : * this.state.price }); } this.setState({ []: }); }; /** * This Event triggers when the marker window is closed * * @param event */ onInfoWindowClose = event => {}; /** * When the user types an address in the search box * @param place */ onPlaceSelected = place => { const address = place.formatted_address, addressArray = place.address_components, city = this.getCity(addressArray), area = this.getArea(addressArray), state = this.getState(addressArray), latValue =, lngValue = place.geometry.location.lng(); // Set these values in the state. this.setState({ address: address ? address : "", area: area ? area : "", city: city ? city : "", state: state ? state : "", markerPosition: { lat: latValue, lng: lngValue }, mapPosition: { lat: latValue, lng: lngValue } }); }; /** * When the marker is dragged you get the lat and long using the functions available from event object. * Use geocode to get the address, city, area and state from the lat and lng positions. * And then set those values in the state. * * @param event */ onMarkerDragEnd = event => { console.log("event", event); let newLat =, newLng = event.latLng.lng(), addressArray = []; Geocode.fromLatLng(newLat, newLng).then( response => { const address = response.results[0].formatted_address, addressArray = response.results[0].address_components, city = this.getCity(addressArray), area = this.getArea(addressArray), state = this.getState(addressArray); this.setState({ address: address ? address : "", residential_address: address ? address : "", area: area ? area : "", city: city ? city : "", state: state ? state : "" }); }, error => { console.error(error); } ); }; render() { const AsyncMap = withScriptjs( withGoogleMap(props => ( <GoogleMap google={} defaultZoom={this.props.zoom} defaultCenter={{ lat:, lng: this.state.mapPosition.lng }} > {/* For Auto complete Search Box */} <Autocomplete style={{ width: "100%", height: "40px", paddingLeft: "16px", marginTop: "2px", marginBottom: "100px" }} onPlaceSelected={this.onPlaceSelected} types={["(regions)"]} /> {/*Marker*/} <Marker google={} name={"Dolores park"} draggable={true} onDragEnd={this.onMarkerDragEnd} position={{ lat:, lng: this.state.markerPosition.lng }} /> <Marker /> {/* InfoWindow on top of marker */} <InfoWindow onClose={this.onInfoWindowClose} position={{ lat: + 0.0018, lng: this.state.markerPosition.lng }} > <div> <span style={{ padding: 0, margin: 0 }}> {this.state.address} </span> </div> </InfoWindow> </GoogleMap> )) ); let map; if ( !== undefined) { map = ( <div> <div> <div> <img style={{marginLeft: "170px"}} src={`${}`} alt="pizza-type"/> </div> <p style={{color: "red"}}>{this.state.responseMessage}</p> <div className="form-group"> <label htmlFor="">Pizza</label> <input type="text" name="city" className="form-control" onChange={this.handleChange} readOnly="readOnly" value={} /> </div> <div className="form-group"> <label htmlFor="">Price</label> <input type="text" name="price" className="form-control" onChange={this.handleChange} readOnly="readOnly" value={this.state.price} /> </div> <div className="form-group"> <label htmlFor="">Full name</label> <input type="text" name="full_name" className="form-control" onChange={this.handleChange} /> </div> <div className="form-group"> <label htmlFor="">Phone</label> <input type="text" name="phone" maxLength={20} className="form-control" onChange={this.handleChange} /> </div> <div className="form-group"> <label htmlFor="">Quantity</label> <input type="number" name="quantity" className="form-control" min={1} onChange={ event => this.handleChange(event)} /> <div className="form-group"> <label htmlFor="">Email</label> <input type="email" name="email" className="form-control" onChange={this.handleChange} /> </div> <button className="mt-2 mb-5 form-group modal-fulfil-button" type="button" onClick={this.sendOrder}>Order</button> </div> </div> <p className="mt-5 mb-20" style={{color: "red", marginLeft: "170px"}}>{this.state.responseMessage}</p> <div className="mt-5 mb-20"> <AsyncMap googleMapURL={this.state.googleMapsApiKey} loadingElement={<div style={{ height: `100%` }} />} containerElement={<div style={{ height: this.props.height }} />} mapElement={<div style={{ height: `100%` }} />} /> </div> </div> ); } else { map = <div style={{ height: this.props.height }} />; } return map; } } export default OrderMap;