/* PIMG module: layers images on top of each other (multicalls to pimg_merge) */
class pimg_layer
/* Resources */
private $pimg;
// PIMG constructor
function __construct($pimg)
$this -> pimg = $pimg;
Layers images on top of each other (multicalls to pimg_merge). You can pass as many arguments as you want, as long as they are valid pimg_image resources or arrays of pimg_image resource as first arg and x an y as second and third
@result: a pointer to the caller pimg class for furthur usage
function init()
// Get args
$args = func_get_args();
// Go through all args
if (is_array($args))
foreach($args as $entry)
if (is_array($entry))
$this -> pimg -> merge($entry[0], $entry[1], $entry[2], $entry[3]);
$this -> pimg -> merge($entry);
// Return the caller pimg instance
return $this -> pimg;