DownloadPASERK (PHP)

Platform Agnostic SERialized Keys. Requires PHP 7.1 or newer.
PASERK Specification
The PASERK Specification can be found in this repository.
composer require paragonie/paserk
PASERK Library Versions
PASERK PHP Version 2
* Requires PHP 8.1+
* PASETO versions: `v3`, `v4`
* This means only the corresponding `k3` and `k4` modes are implemented.
PASERK PHP Version 1
* Requires PHP 7.1+
* PASETO versions: `v1`, `v2`, `v3`, `v4`
* This provides a stable reference implementation for the PASERK specification.
See this directory for the documentation.
Example: Public-key Encryption
use ParagonIE\Paseto\Builder;
use ParagonIE\Paseto\Keys\SymmetricKey;
use ParagonIE\Paseto\Protocol\Version4;
use ParagonIE\Paserk\Operations\Key\SealingPublicKey;
use ParagonIE\Paserk\Types\Seal;
$version = new Version4();
// First, you need a sealing keypair.
// $sealingSecret = ParagonIE\Paserk\Operations\Key\SealingSecretKey::generate();
// $sealingPublic = $sealingSecret->getPublicKey();
// var_dump($sealingSecret->encode(), $sealingPublic->encode());
$sealingPublic = SealingPublicKey::fromEncodedString(
$sealer = new Seal($sealingPublic);
// Generate a random one-time key, which will be encrypted with the public key:
$key = SymmetricKey::generate($version);
// Seal means "public key encryption":
$paserk = $sealer->encode($key);
// Now let's associate this PASERK with a PASETO that uses the local key:
$paseto = Builder::getLocal($key, $version)
->with('test', 'readme')
(new DateTime('NOW'))
->add(new DateInterval('P01D'))
->withFooterArray(['kid' => $sealer->id($key)])
var_dump($paserk, $paseto);
use ParagonIE\Paseto\Protocol\Version4;
use ParagonIE\Paserk\Operations\Key\SealingSecretKey;
use ParagonIE\Paserk\Types\Lid;
use ParagonIE\Paserk\Types\Seal;
use ParagonIE\Paseto\Parser as PasetoParser;
use ParagonIE\Paseto\ProtocolCollection;
$version = new Version4();
// From previous example:
$paserk = "k4.seal.F2qE4x0JfqT7JYhOB7S12SikvLaRuEpxRkgxxHfh4hVpE1JfwIDnreuhs9v5gjoBl3WTVjdIz6NkwQdqRoS2EDc3yGvdf_Da4K1xUSJ8IVTn4HQeol5ruYwjQlA_Ph4N";
$paseto = "v4.local.hYG-BfpTTM3bb-xZ-q5-w77XGayS4WA8kA5R5ZL85u3nzgrWba5NdqgIouFn71CJyGAff1eloirzz3sWRdVXnDeSIYxXDIerNkbLI5ALn24JehhSLKrv8R2-yhfo_XZF9XEASXtwrOyMNjeEAan5kqO6Dg.eyJraWQiOiJrNC5saWQueDAycGJDRmhxU1Q4endnbEJyR3VqWE9LYU5kRkJjY1dsTFFRN0pzcGlZM18ifQ";
// Keys for unsealing:
$sealingSecret = SealingSecretKey::fromEncodedString(
$sealingPublic = $sealingSecret->getPublicKey();
// Unwrap the sytmmetric key for `v4.local.` tokens.
$sealer = new Seal($sealingPublic, $sealingSecret);
$unwrapped = $sealer->decode($paserk);
// Parse the PASETO
$parsed = PasetoParser::getLocal($unwrapped, ProtocolCollection::v4())
// Get the claims from the parsed and validated token:
array(2) {
string(6) "readme"
string(25) "2038-01-19T03:14:08+00:00"
// Observe the Key ID is the same as the value stored in the footer.
var_dump(Lid::encode($version, $paserk));
string(51) "k4.lid.x02pbCFhqST8zwglBrGujXOKaNdFBccWlLQQ7JspiY3_"
string(51) "k4.lid.x02pbCFhqST8zwglBrGujXOKaNdFBccWlLQQ7JspiY3_"
PASERK Feature Coverage