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File: editor/codemirror/test/comment_test.js

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  Classes of Cedric Maenetja   Custom PHP HTML Parser   editor/codemirror/test/comment_test.js   Download  
File: editor/codemirror/test/comment_test.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Custom PHP HTML Parser
Process HTML to replace it with parameter values
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,805 bytes


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namespace = "comment_"; (function() { function test(name, mode, run, before, after) { return testCM(name, function(cm) { run(cm); eq(cm.getValue(), after); }, {value: before, mode: mode}); } var simpleProg = "function foo() {\n return bar;\n}"; var inlineBlock = "foo(/* bar */ true);"; var inlineBlocks = "foo(/* bar */ true, /* baz */ false);"; var multiLineInlineBlock = ["above();", "foo(/* bar */ true);", "below();"]; test("block", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.blockComment(Pos(0, 3), Pos(3, 0), {blockCommentLead: " *"}); }, simpleProg + "\n", "/* function foo() {\n * return bar;\n * }\n */"); test("blockToggle", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.blockComment(Pos(0, 3), Pos(2, 0), {blockCommentLead: " *"}); cm.uncomment(Pos(0, 3), Pos(2, 0), {blockCommentLead: " *"}); }, simpleProg, simpleProg); test("blockToggle2", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.setCursor({line: 0, ch: 7 /* inside the block comment */}); cm.execCommand("toggleComment"); }, inlineBlock, "foo(bar true);"); // This test should work but currently fails. // test("blockToggle3", "javascript", function(cm) { // cm.setCursor({line: 0, ch: 7 /* inside the first block comment */}); // cm.execCommand("toggleComment"); // }, inlineBlocks, "foo(bar true, /* baz */ false);"); test("line", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.lineComment(Pos(1, 1), Pos(1, 1)); }, simpleProg, "function foo() {\n// return bar;\n}"); test("lineToggle", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.lineComment(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2, 1)); cm.uncomment(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2, 1)); }, simpleProg, simpleProg); test("fallbackToBlock", "css", function(cm) { cm.lineComment(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2, 1)); }, "html {\n border: none;\n}", "/* html {\n border: none;\n} */"); test("fallbackToLine", "ruby", function(cm) { cm.blockComment(Pos(0, 0), Pos(1)); }, "def blah()\n return hah\n", "# def blah()\n# return hah\n"); test("ignoreExternalBlockComments", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.execCommand("toggleComment"); }, inlineBlocks, "// " + inlineBlocks); test("ignoreExternalBlockComments2", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.setCursor({line: 0, ch: null /* eol */}); cm.execCommand("toggleComment"); }, inlineBlocks, "// " + inlineBlocks); test("ignoreExternalBlockCommentsMultiLineAbove", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.setSelection({line: 0, ch: 0}, {line: 1, ch: 1}); cm.execCommand("toggleComment"); }, multiLineInlineBlock.join("\n"), ["// " + multiLineInlineBlock[0], "// " + multiLineInlineBlock[1], multiLineInlineBlock[2]].join("\n")); test("ignoreExternalBlockCommentsMultiLineBelow", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.setSelection({line: 1, ch: 13 /* after end of block comment */}, {line: 2, ch: 1}); cm.execCommand("toggleComment"); }, multiLineInlineBlock.join("\n"), [multiLineInlineBlock[0], "// " + multiLineInlineBlock[1], "// " + multiLineInlineBlock[2]].join("\n")); test("commentRange", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.blockComment(Pos(1, 2), Pos(1, 13), {fullLines: false}); }, simpleProg, "function foo() {\n /*return bar;*/\n}"); test("indented", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.lineComment(Pos(1, 0), Pos(2), {indent: true}); }, simpleProg, "function foo() {\n// return bar;\n// }"); test("emptyIndentedLine", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.lineComment(Pos(1, 2), Pos(1, 2), {indent: true}); }, "function foo() {\n \n}", "function foo() {\n // \n}"); test("singleEmptyLine", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.setCursor(1); cm.execCommand("toggleComment"); }, "a;\n\nb;", "a;\n// \nb;"); test("dontMessWithStrings", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.execCommand("toggleComment"); }, "console.log(\"/*string*/\");", "// console.log(\"/*string*/\");"); test("dontMessWithStrings2", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.execCommand("toggleComment"); }, "console.log(\"// string\");", "// console.log(\"// string\");"); test("dontMessWithStrings3", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.execCommand("toggleComment"); }, "// console.log(\"// string\");", "console.log(\"// string\");"); test("includeLastLine", "javascript", function(cm) { cm.execCommand("selectAll") cm.execCommand("toggleComment") }, "// foo\n// bar\nbaz", "// // foo\n// // bar\n// baz") test("uncommentWithTrailingBlockEnd", "xml", function(cm) { cm.execCommand("toggleComment") }, "<!-- foo --> -->", "foo -->") test("dontCommentInComment", "xml", function(cm) { cm.setCursor(1, 0) cm.execCommand("toggleComment") }, "<!-- foo\nbar -->", "<!-- foo\nbar -->") })();