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File: editor/codemirror/mode/powershell/test.js

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  Classes of Cedric Maenetja   Custom PHP HTML Parser   editor/codemirror/mode/powershell/test.js   Download  
File: editor/codemirror/mode/powershell/test.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Custom PHP HTML Parser
Process HTML to replace it with parameter values
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 2,968 bytes


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// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: (function() { var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({indentUnit: 2}, "powershell"); function MT(name) { test.mode(name, mode,, 1)); } function forEach(arr, f) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) f(arr[i], i) } MT('comment', '[number 1][comment # A]'); MT('comment_multiline', '[number 1][comment <#]', '[comment ABC]', '[comment #>][number 2]'); forEach([ '0', '1234', '12kb', '12mb', '12Gb', '12Tb', '12PB', '12L', '12D', '12lkb', '12dtb', '1.234', '1.234e56', '1.', '1.e2', '.2', '.2e34', '1.2MB', '1.kb', '.1dTB', '1.e1gb', '.2', '.2e34', '0x1', '0xabcdef', '0x3tb', '0xelmb' ], function(number) { MT("number_" + number, "[number " + number + "]"); }); MT('string_literal_escaping', "[string 'a''']"); MT('string_literal_variable', "[string 'a $x']"); MT('string_escaping_1', '[string "a `""]'); MT('string_escaping_2', '[string "a """]'); MT('string_variable_escaping', '[string "a `$x"]'); MT('string_variable', '[string "a ][variable-2 $x][string b"]'); MT('string_variable_spaces', '[string "a ][variable-2 ${x y}][string b"]'); MT('string_expression', '[string "a ][punctuation $(][variable-2 $x][operator +][number 3][punctuation )][string b"]'); MT('string_expression_nested', '[string "A][punctuation $(][string "a][punctuation $(][string "w"][punctuation )][string b"][punctuation )][string B"]'); MT('string_heredoc', '[string @"]', '[string abc]', '[string "@]'); MT('string_heredoc_quotes', '[string @"]', '[string abc "\']', '[string "@]'); MT('string_heredoc_variable', '[string @"]', '[string a ][variable-2 $x][string b]', '[string "@]'); MT('string_heredoc_nested_string', '[string @"]', '[string a][punctuation $(][string "w"][punctuation )][string b]', '[string "@]'); MT('string_heredoc_literal_quotes', "[string @']", '[string abc "\']', "[string '@]"); MT('array', "[punctuation @(][string 'a'][punctuation ,][string 'b'][punctuation )]"); MT('hash', "[punctuation @{][string 'key'][operator :][string 'value'][punctuation }]"); MT('variable', "[variable-2 $test]"); MT('variable_global', "[variable-2 $global:test]"); MT('variable_spaces', "[variable-2 ${test test}]"); MT('operator_splat', "[variable-2 @x]"); MT('variable_builtin', "[builtin $ErrorActionPreference]"); MT('variable_builtin_symbols', "[builtin $$]"); MT('operator', "[operator +]"); MT('operator_unary', "[operator +][number 3]"); MT('operator_long', "[operator -match]"); forEach([ '(', ')', '[[', ']]', '{', '}', ',', '`', ';', '.', '\\' ], function(punctuation) { MT("punctuation_" + punctuation.replace(/^[\[\]]/,''), "[punctuation " + punctuation + "]"); }); MT('keyword', "[keyword if]"); MT('call_builtin', "[builtin Get-ChildItem]"); })();