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File: editor/codemirror/addon/hint/javascript-hint.js

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  Classes of Cedric Maenetja   Custom PHP HTML Parser   editor/codemirror/addon/hint/javascript-hint.js   Download  
File: editor/codemirror/addon/hint/javascript-hint.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Custom PHP HTML Parser
Process HTML to replace it with parameter values
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 6,855 bytes


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// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: (function(mod) { if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS mod(require("../../lib/codemirror")); else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); else // Plain browser env mod(CodeMirror); })(function(CodeMirror) { var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos; function forEach(arr, f) { for (var i = 0, e = arr.length; i < e; ++i) f(arr[i]); } function arrayContains(arr, item) { if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { var i = arr.length; while (i--) { if (arr[i] === item) { return true; } } return false; } return arr.indexOf(item) != -1; } function scriptHint(editor, keywords, getToken, options) { // Find the token at the cursor var cur = editor.getCursor(), token = getToken(editor, cur); if (/\b(?:string|comment)\b/.test(token.type)) return; var innerMode = CodeMirror.innerMode(editor.getMode(), token.state); if (innerMode.mode.helperType === "json") return; token.state = innerMode.state; // If it's not a 'word-style' token, ignore the token. if (!/^[\w$_]*$/.test(token.string)) { token = {start:, end:, string: "", state: token.state, type: token.string == "." ? "property" : null}; } else if (token.end > { token.end =; token.string = token.string.slice(0, - token.start); } var tprop = token; // If it is a property, find out what it is a property of. while (tprop.type == "property") { tprop = getToken(editor, Pos(cur.line, tprop.start)); if (tprop.string != ".") return; tprop = getToken(editor, Pos(cur.line, tprop.start)); if (!context) var context = []; context.push(tprop); } return {list: getCompletions(token, context, keywords, options), from: Pos(cur.line, token.start), to: Pos(cur.line, token.end)}; } function javascriptHint(editor, options) { return scriptHint(editor, javascriptKeywords, function (e, cur) {return e.getTokenAt(cur);}, options); }; CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "javascript", javascriptHint); function getCoffeeScriptToken(editor, cur) { // This getToken, it is for coffeescript, imitates the behavior of // getTokenAt method in javascript.js, that is, returning "property" // type and treat "." as independent token. var token = editor.getTokenAt(cur); if ( == token.start + 1 && token.string.charAt(0) == '.') { token.end = token.start; token.string = '.'; token.type = "property"; } else if (/^\.[\w$_]*$/.test(token.string)) { token.type = "property"; token.start++; token.string = token.string.replace(/\./, ''); } return token; } function coffeescriptHint(editor, options) { return scriptHint(editor, coffeescriptKeywords, getCoffeeScriptToken, options); } CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "coffeescript", coffeescriptHint); var stringProps = ("charAt charCodeAt indexOf lastIndexOf substring substr slice trim trimLeft trimRight " + "toUpperCase toLowerCase split concat match replace search").split(" "); var arrayProps = ("length concat join splice push pop shift unshift slice reverse sort indexOf " + "lastIndexOf every some filter forEach map reduce reduceRight ").split(" "); var funcProps = "prototype apply call bind".split(" "); var javascriptKeywords = ("break case catch class const continue debugger default delete do else export extends false finally for function " + "if in import instanceof new null return super switch this throw true try typeof var void while with yield").split(" "); var coffeescriptKeywords = ("and break catch class continue delete do else extends false finally for " + "if in instanceof isnt new no not null of off on or return switch then throw true try typeof until void while with yes").split(" "); function forAllProps(obj, callback) { if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames || !Object.getPrototypeOf) { for (var name in obj) callback(name) } else { for (var o = obj; o; o = Object.getPrototypeOf(o)) Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o).forEach(callback) } } function getCompletions(token, context, keywords, options) { var found = [], start = token.string, global = options && options.globalScope || window; function maybeAdd(str) { if (str.lastIndexOf(start, 0) == 0 && !arrayContains(found, str)) found.push(str); } function gatherCompletions(obj) { if (typeof obj == "string") forEach(stringProps, maybeAdd); else if (obj instanceof Array) forEach(arrayProps, maybeAdd); else if (obj instanceof Function) forEach(funcProps, maybeAdd); forAllProps(obj, maybeAdd) } if (context && context.length) { // If this is a property, see if it belongs to some object we can // find in the current environment. var obj = context.pop(), base; if (obj.type && obj.type.indexOf("variable") === 0) { if (options && options.additionalContext) base = options.additionalContext[obj.string]; if (!options || options.useGlobalScope !== false) base = base || global[obj.string]; } else if (obj.type == "string") { base = ""; } else if (obj.type == "atom") { base = 1; } else if (obj.type == "function") { if (global.jQuery != null && (obj.string == '$' || obj.string == 'jQuery') && (typeof global.jQuery == 'function')) base = global.jQuery(); else if (global._ != null && (obj.string == '_') && (typeof global._ == 'function')) base = global._(); } while (base != null && context.length) base = base[context.pop().string]; if (base != null) gatherCompletions(base); } else { // If not, just look in the global object, any local scope, and optional additional-context // (reading into JS mode internals to get at the local and global variables) for (var v = token.state.localVars; v; v = maybeAdd(; for (var c = token.state.context; c; c = c.prev) for (var v = c.vars; v; v = maybeAdd( for (var v = token.state.globalVars; v; v = maybeAdd(; if (options && options.additionalContext != null) for (var key in options.additionalContext) maybeAdd(key); if (!options || options.useGlobalScope !== false) gatherCompletions(global); forEach(keywords, maybeAdd); } return found; } });