/* =======================================
Copyright 1998 - 2010 - E Net Arch
This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (or the Lesser GPL).
======================================= */
function dirPath() {return ("../../../../../"); }
Include_Once (dirPath() . "Shared/Classes/Ladder/Ladder_Globals.cls");
// ======================================
$szNameSpace = "ENetArch_Panel_Content";
if (isset ($_REQUEST["szNameSpace"]))
$szNameSpace = $_REQUEST["szNameSpace"];
$aryNameSpace = explode (".", $szNameSpace);
$szParent = implode (".", array_slice ($aryNameSpace, 0, count ($aryNameSpace) -1));
$szApp = implode (".", array_slice ($aryNameSpace, 0, count ($aryNameSpace) -2));
<?= $szParent ?>.cmdClearIDs();
<?= $szNameSpace ?> =
Selected : function (nID)
{ <?= $szApp ?>.selected (nID); },
onCheckID : function (nID)
{ <?= $szParent ?>.onCheckID (nID); },
SortBy_ID : function ()
szParams =
"nID=" + <?= $szParent ?>.nCurrentID + "&" +
"szNameSpace=" + <?= $szParent ?>.szNameSpace + "&" +
"szSortBy=" + "<?= ldrGlobals::cOrderBy_ID () ?>"+ "&";
<?= $szApp ?>.getPanel ("Users/view.php", this.divTarget, szParams);
// <?= $szApp ?>.selected (this.nCurrentID);
SortBy_BaseType : function ()
szParams =
"nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" +
"szNameSpace=" + <?= $szParent ?>.szNameSpace + "&" +
"szSortBy=" + "<?= ldrGlobals::cOrderBy_BaseType () ?>"+ "&";
<?= $szApp ?>.getPanel ("Users/view.php", this.divTarget, szParams);
<?= $szApp ?>.selected (<?= $szParent ?>.nCurrentID);
SortBy_Name : function ()
szParams =
"nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" +
"szNameSpace=" + <?= $szParent ?>.szNameSpace + "&" +
"szSortBy=" + "<?= ldrGlobals::cOrderBy_Name () ?>"+ "&";
<?= $szApp ?>.getPanel ("Users/view.php", this.divTarget, szParams);
<?= $szApp ?>.selected (<?= $szParent ?>.nCurrentID);
SortBy_Description : function ()
szParams =
"nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" +
"szNameSpace=" + <?= $szParent ?>.szNameSpace + "&" +
"szSortBy=" + "<?= ldrGlobals::cOrderBy_Description () ?>"+ "&";
<?= $szApp ?>.getPanel ("Users/view.php", this.divTarget, szParams);
<?= $szApp ?>.selected (<?= $szParent ?>.nCurrentID);
SortBy_Class : function ()
szParams =
"nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" +
"szNameSpace=" + <?= $szParent ?>.szNameSpace + "&" +
"szSortBy=" + "<?= ldrGlobals::cOrderBy_Class() ?>"+ "&";
<?= $szApp ?>.getPanel ("Users/view.php", this.divTarget, szParams);
<?= $szApp ?>.selected (<?= $szParent ?>.nCurrentID);
// <?= $szApp ?>.getFormData (thsForm) ;