$wsroot_url = // http://dev1:8083/ //=URL_PROTOCOL or :
( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? 'https://' : 'http://' )
$page_title = "H1 title - simplest.css demo" ;
$path_rel_home = '/fwphp/www';
$path_rel_img = '/zinc/img/';
$path_rel_css = '/zinc/themes/';
$path_rel_test = '/fwphp/glomodul/z_examples/'; // '../../test/'
define('MODULE_TOWSROOT', '../../../') ; //to eg 'J:/awww/www/'
define('WSROOT_PATH', str_replace('\\','/', realpath(MODULE_TOWSROOT) .'/') );
define('MODULE_PATH', str_replace('\\','/', __DIR__.'/')) ; //define('MODULE_DIR', __DIR__) ;
define('MODULE_RELPATH', rtrim(ltrim(MODULE_PATH, WSROOT_PATH),'/') ) ;
define('MODULE_URL', $wsroot_url.MODULE_RELPATH);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="hr-HR">
<meta charset=utf-8" />
<!-- ibrowser tab icon -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?=$path_rel_img?>favicon.ico">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="<?=$path_rel_css?>simplest.css"/>
<!-- or media="screen" -->
/* 999=gray 666=darkgray fff=white #FCDEBC=
.hideme {display:none}
.handcursor {cursor:pointer}
<div class="content">
<!-- 1. T O P DROPDOWN M E N U (row 1) (Banner) -->
<!-- submenu -->
<!-- submenu items-->
<!-- dd class="dd2" a class="sub"-->
<div id="positioner">
<div class="holder p1">
<dl class="menu">
<dt><a href="<?=MODULE_URL?>">HOME</a></dt>
<div class="holder p2">
<dl class="menu">
<dt><a href="<?=$wsroot_url.$path_rel_home?>">SITEHOME</a></dt>
<div class="holder p3">
<dl class="menu">
<dt><a href="#url">Txt formats</a></dt>
<a href="#Hxtags">1. Hx tags</a><!--a id="Hxtags"></a-->
<a href="#pgBreak">2. Page break</a>
<a href="#tags" title="3. dl, dt, dd, paragraph, pre, ol, ul">
3. Other tags</a>
<a href="#tblhscroll">4. Tbl h. scrollbar</a>
</div><!-- e n d d i v i d = "positioner" --
<!-- 1. izbornik 2.redak (Banner) -->
<div id="hMenu">
<li id="frst">
<!--div class="logo"-->
<!--img width="211" height="47"-->
<img width="10%" title="<?=$path_rel_img?>meatmirror.jpg" class="handcursor"
src="<?=$path_rel_img?>meatmirror.jpg" alt="<?=$path_rel_img?>meatmirror.jpg">
<a href="">PO?ETAK</a> <a href="#">O PROGRAMU</a><!--a id="Hxtags"></a-->
<a href="#">OPREMA</a> <a href="#">LOKACIJE </a>
<a href="#">KONTAKT</a>
<a href="<?=$path_rel_test?>gallery_powers/index.php">GALLERY & BLOG</a> </li>
</div><!--E N D T O P (row 1,2) -->
<br />
<H1><span style="color: gray;"><?=$page_title?></span> </H1>
Top drop down menus do not work well in Pale moon ibrowser.
<br /><br />
<a id="Hxtags"></a>
<H2><span style="color: gray;">1. H2 title - Other Hx tags</span> </H2>
<h3><span style="color: gray;">H3 title - click BACKSPACE then SHIFT+BACKSPACE</span> </h3>
<H4><span style="color: gray;">H4 title</span> </H4>
Above are Hx tags, blah blah.
<span class="pgBreakBefore"></span>
<a id="pgBreak"></a>
<H2><span style="color: gray;">2. New page (page break) <span class="pgBreakBefore"></span></span> </H2>
Pdfcreator sees pgBreakBefore and creates new page.
<br /><br />
<a id="tags"></a>
<H2><span style="color: gray;">3. dl, dt, dd, paragraph, pre, ol, ul</span> </H2>
<dl><!-- class="menu" -->
dl, dt, Before link <strong><a href="#tablehscroll">#tablehscroll <a id="tablehscroll"></a></a></strong>
dl, dd, before link
<a href="<?=$path_rel_test?>0302pdo_search_moj_rep_filter_named_params.php"
>PDO SQLite search</a>
<p>paragraph 1: blah blah
<li>ol li says: aaaaaa bbbbbbb</li>
<li>ul li says: aaaaaa bbbbbbb</li>
<p>paragraph 2: blah blah
<pre>pre, code, kbd, samp blah blah </pre>
<br /><br />
<a id="tblhscroll"></a>
<H2><span style="color: gray;">4. Table with horizontal scrollbar (for narrow pages)</span> </H2>
<div class="w3-container">
<div class="w3-responsive">
<table style="font-weight: normal;" class="w3-table-all">
<th>Property (key)</th>
<th>Value </th>
<td>Oracle Home Location </td>
<td>Forms URL <strong>works only in IE <=11</strong></td>
<span class=""><strong>aaaaaaaa bbbbb :</strong></span>
<br>Before link <strong><a href="#tablehscroll">#tablehscroll <a id="tablehscroll"></a></a></strong>
<br>Before link <a href="<?=$path_rel_test?>0302pdo_search_moj_rep_filter_named_params.php"
>PDO SQLite search</a>
<br> xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyy
<!-- class="w3-table-all"-->
<!-- class="w3-responsive"-->
<!-- class="w3-container"-->
</div><!--E N D blah blah -->
</div><!--E N D c o n t e n t -->