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File: aksara/Modules/Xhr/assets/js/scripts.js

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File: aksara/Modules/Xhr/assets/js/scripts.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Aksara
A CodeIgniter based API and CRUD generator
Author: By
Last change: fix: comment indention for xs viewport
Date: 5 months ago
Size: 17,340 bytes


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$(document).ready(function() { /** * Trigger submit on enter, except holding the shift key */ $('body').off('keypress.comment keydown.comment', 'textarea[name=comments]'), $('body').on('keypress.comment keydown.comment', 'textarea[name=comments]', function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 13 && ! e.shiftKey && ! $(this).closest('form').find('button[type=submit]').length) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('form').trigger('submit'); $(this).closest('form').trigger('reset'); $(this).closest('form').find('.btn-danger').trigger('click'); $(this).closest('form').find('.fileupload').addClass('d-none'); $(this).blur(); $(this).css('height', 'auto'); } }); /** * Simple request and modify */ $('body').on('click', '.--upvote', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); xhr = $.ajax({ url: $(this).data('href'), method: 'POST', context: this, beforeSend: function() { $(this).prop('disabled', true); $('[data-bs-toggle=tooltip]').tooltip('dispose') }, complete: function() { $(this).prop('disabled', false) }, statusCode: { 403: function(response, status, error) { if (config.action_sound) { } if (typeof response.responseJSON !== 'undefined') { response = response.responseJSON; throw_exception(response.status, response.message) } } } }) .done(function(response) { if (typeof response.element !== 'undefined' && response.content !== 'undefined') { $(response.element).html(response.content) } }) .fail(function(response, status, error) { if (response.statusText == 'abort') { return; } }) }); /** * Fetch comment comments */ $('body').off('click', '.--fetch-comments'), $('body').on('click', '.--fetch-comments', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); let context = $(this); let is_reply = (typeof'is-reply') !== 'undefined' ?'is-reply') : ''); let container = (is_reply ? context.closest('#comment-reply') : $('#comment-container')); xhr = $.ajax({ url:'href'), method: 'POST', data: { fetch: 'comments' }, beforeSend: function() { $(`<div class="text-${ (is_reply ? 'start' : 'center') } spinner"><span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span role="status">${ phrase('Loading...') }</span></span></div>`).appendTo(container) } }) .done(function(response) { if (context.closest('.load-more-container').length) { context.closest('.load-more-container').remove() } else { context.remove() } container.find('.spinner').remove(); if ( <= 0) return; response.comments.forEach(function(val, key) { $(` <div class="comment-item"> <div class="row g-0 mb-2"> <div class="col-1 pt-1"> <a href="${ val.links.profile_url }" class="--xhr"> <img src="${ }" class="img-fluid rounded-circle" /> </a> </div> <div class="col-11 ps-3"> <div class="position-relative"> <div class="dropdown position-absolute end-0"> <button class="btn btn-light btn-sm rounded-pill dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenuButton${ val.comment_id }" data-toggle="dropdown" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-list-checks"></i> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end dropdown-menu-right" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton${ val.comment_id }"> ` + (val.links.update_url ? ` <li> <a class="dropdown-item --modal" href="${ val.links.update_url }"> ${ phrase('Update') } </a> </li> ` : ` <li> <a class="dropdown-item --modal" href="${ val.links.report_url }"> ${ phrase('Report') } </a> </li> `) + (val.links.hide_url ? ` <li> <a class="dropdown-item --modal" href="${ val.links.hide_url }"> ${ phrase('Visibility') } </a> </li> ` : ``) + ` </ul> </div> </div> <div class="bg-light rounded-4 py-2 px-3 d-inline-block ${ (val.highlight ? 'border border-warning' : '') }"> <a href="${ val.links.profile_url }" class="--xhr"> <b id="comment-author-${ val.comment_id }"> ${ val.first_name } ${ val.last_name } </b> </a> <br /> <div id="comment-text-${ val.comment_id }"> ` + (typeof val.mention !== 'undefined' ? ` <div class="alert alert-warning callout p-2 mb-2"> ${ phrase('Replying to') } <b> ${ val.mention.user } </b> <br /> ${ val.mention.comment } </div> ` : ``) + (val.status > 0 ? ` ${ val.comments } ` + (Object.keys(val.attachment).length ? ` <div class="mt-3"> <a href="${ val.attachment.original }" target="_blank"> <img src="${ val.attachment.thumbnail }" class="img-fluid rounded-5" alt="..." /> </a> </div> ` : ``) + ` ` : ` <i class="text-muted">${ phrase('Comment is hidden') }</i> `) + ` </div> </div> <div class="py-1 ps-3"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-href="${ val.links.upvote_url }" class="text-sm --upvote"> <b class="text-secondary" id="comment-upvote-${ val.comment_id }"> ${ (val.upvotes > 0 ? val.upvotes : '') } </b> <b> ${ phrase('Upvote') } </b> </a> &middot; <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-href="${ val.links.reply_url }" class="text-sm --reply" data-profile-photo="${ val.user_photo }" data-mention="${ val.first_name } ${ val.last_name }"> <b> ${ phrase('Reply') } </b> </a> &middot; <span class="text-muted text-sm"> ${ val.timestamp } </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row g-0"> <div class="col-11 offset-1 ps-3"> <div id="comment-reply"> ` + (val.replies > 0 ? ` <div class="load-more-container row g-0"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="mb-3"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-href="${ val.links.replies_url }" data-is-reply="1" class="load-more --fetch-comments text-dark fw-bold"> <i class="mdi mdi-chevron-down"></i> ${ val.replies } ${ (val.replies ? (val.replies > 1 ? phrase('Replies') : 'Reply') : '') } </a> </div> </div> </div> ` : ``) + ` </div> </div> </div> </div> `).appendTo(container) }); if ( === response.limit) { $(` <div class="load-more-container row g-0"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="mb-3"> <p class="text-${ (is_reply ? 'start' : 'center') }"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-href="${ response.next_page }" data-is-reply="${ is_reply }" class="load-more --fetch-comments"> <b>${ (is_reply ? phrase('Load more replies') : phrase('Load more comments')) }</b> </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> `).appendTo(container) } }) .fail(function(response, status, error) { if (response.statusText == 'abort') { return; } container.find('.spinner').remove(); }) }); /** * Append reply form */ $('body').off('click', '.--reply'), $('body').on('click', '.--reply', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); xhr = $.ajax({ url: $(this).data('href'), method: 'POST', context: this, data: { fetch: 'token' }, beforeSend: function() { $(this).closest('#comment-container').find('form').remove(); if (! $(this).closest('.comment-item').find('#comment-reply').find('.comment-item').length) { $(this).closest('.comment-item').find('.--fetch-comments').trigger('click') } } }) .done(function(response) { $(` <form action="${ $(this).data('href') }" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="--validate-form"> <div class="row g-0"> <div class="col-11 offset-1 ps-3 text-sm"> ${ (typeof phrase.replying_to !== 'undefined' ? phrase.replying_to : 'Replying to') } <b> ${ $(this).attr('data-mention') }</b> </div> </div> <div class="form-group mb-3"> <div class="row g-0 align-items-center"> <div class="col-1 pt-1"> <img src="${ $(this).attr('data-profile-photo') }" class="img-fluid rounded-circle" /> </div> <div class="col-11 ps-3"> <div class="position-relative"> <textarea name="comments" class="form-control" placeholder="${ (typeof phrase.type_a_reply !== 'undefined' ? phrase.type_a_reply : 'Type a reply') }" rows="1"></textarea> <div class="btn-group position-absolute bottom-0 end-0"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="${ (typeof phrase.attach_photo !== 'undefined' ? phrase.attach_photo : 'Attach photo') }" onclick="jExec($(this).closest('form').find('.fileupload').removeClass('d-none').find('input[type=file]').trigger('click'))"> <i class="mdi mdi-camera text-dark"></i> </button> </div> </div> <div data-provides="fileupload" class="fileupload fileupload-new d-none"> <span class="btn btn-file" style="width:80px"> <input type="file" name="attachment" accept=".jpg,.png,.gif" role="image-upload" id="attachment_input" /> <div class="fileupload-new text-center"> <img class="img-fluid upload_preview" src="${ config.base_url + 'uploads/placeholder_icon.png' }" alt="..." /> </div> <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger rounded-circle position-absolute top-0 end-0" onclick="jExec($(this).closest('.btn-file').find('input[type=file]').val(''), $(this).closest('.btn-file').find('img').attr('src', config.base_url + 'uploads/placeholder_icon.png'), $(this).closest('.fileupload').addClass('d-none'))"> <i class="mdi mdi-window-close"></i> </button> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row g-0 align-items-center"> <div class="col-11 offset-1 ps-3"> <div role="validation-callback"></div> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="${ response.token }" /> </form> `) .appendTo($(this).parents('.comment-item').find('#comment-reply').first()); if($(this).closest('#comment-reply').length) { $(this).closest('#comment-reply').find('form').find('textarea').trigger('focus') } else { $(this).closest('.comment-item').find('#comment-reply').find('form').find('textarea').trigger('focus') } $('[data-bs-toggle=tooltip]').tooltip(); $('textarea').each(function() { $(this).css({ height: (this.scrollHeight > $(this).actual('outerHeight') ? (this.scrollHeight + 2) : $(this).actual('outerHeight')), overflowY: 'hidden' }); }) .on('input', function() { if (! $(this).hasClass('no-resize')) { = 'auto'; = (this.scrollHeight + 2) + 'px'; } }); }) .fail(function(response, status, error) { if (response.statusText == 'abort') { return; } }) }) });