* Example script to show the functionality of ZEND_EPS_PUTTY.
* You will need the PuTTY application installed on your computer.
* You will need the Zend Framework installed.
* You will need an XML config file to pass to the class so FTP settings can be configured. Just supply
* the necessary path to the file and the root node name. This allows for multiple FTP server configurations
* in one file.
* The output files are a log file that contains the FTP batch commands and an XML results file that
* has all of the results of the batch commands. This file can be parsed for usage within the calling script.
* The lines below will customize the log and results files, make directories on the remote server,
* send files, move files, get files, and then delete the directories and any files in them.
* XML config file settings instructions:
* <putty_path> = Where you installed the PuTTY application. This can be blank if this path is in your PATH environment.
* <ftp1> = Some type of parent node. Call it anything you wish and use this name when you create the instance.
* <host> = The FTP host.
* <port> = The port to use. Defaults to 22 if left blank.
* <username> = The user name.
* <password> = The password.
* <local_upload_path> = The local path for uploading files from.
* <local_download_path> = The local path for downloading files to.
* <remote_path> = The remote path to start the session in. Usually defaults to the FTP home directory or "/".
* <results_path> = The local path where the results file should be written to.
* <log_path> = The local path where the log file should be written to.
require_once 'lib/class.zend_eps_putty.inc';
$con = new ZEND_EPS_PUTTY('c:/php/includes/config/ftp_config.xml','ftp1');
$con->setLogText('### begin log ###', '### end log ###');