// Require class file....
// Create the Runescape object.
$RS = new Runescape();
// Get the specific item by using the GE method ItemByName. Notice that it must be correct.
$mask = $RS->GE()->ItemByName("Green h'ween mask");
// Now get more info like min price, max price, pricechange30,90,180!
echo "<h1><a href='",$mask->link,"'>The Green h'ween mask</a></h1>";
echo "The mask is currently worth (Market price): <b>", $mask->price ,"</b><br />";
echo "(Min price): <b>", $mask->minprice ,"</b><br />"; // Can only show minprice if getInfo() is run on the item.
echo "(Max price): <b>", $mask->maxprice ,"</b><br />"; // Can only show minprice if getInfo() is run on the item.
echo "(Price change last 30 days percent): <b>", $mask->pricechange30 ,"</b><br />"; // Can only show minprice if getInfo() is run on the item.
echo "The latest GP change was: <b>", $mask->pricechange ,"</b><br />";
echo "<h2>Graph last 60 days..</h2> <img src='", $mask->getPriceGraph(1) ,"' /><br />";
// Also see GE()->Search() for searching up many items.