// locale: romanian (ro-ro)
// author: Calin Rada https://github.com/calinrada
use Moment\Moment;
$rtwp = function ($count, $direction, Moment $m, $key)
$format = array(
'mm' => 'minute',
'hh' => 'ore',
'dd' => 'zile',
'MM' => 'luni',
'yy' => 'ani'
$separator = ' ';
if ($count % 100 >= 20 || ($count >= 100 && $count % 100 === 0))
$separator = ' de ';
return $count . $separator . $format[$key];
return array(
"months" => explode('_', 'ianuarie_februarie_martie_aprilie_mai_iunie_iulie_august_septembrie_octombrie_noiembrie_decembrie'),
"monthsShort" => explode('_', 'ian._febr._mart._apr._mai_iun._iul._aug._sept._oct._nov._dec.'),
"weekdays" => explode('_', 'luni_mar?i_miercuri_joi_vineri_sāmb?t?_duminic?'),
"weekdaysShort" => explode('_', 'Lun_Mar_Mie_Joi_Vin_Sām_Dum'),
"calendar" => array(
"sameDay" => '[azi]',
"nextDay" => '[māine la]',
"lastDay" => '[ieri la]',
"lastWeek" => '[fosta] dddd [la]',
"sameElse" => 'l',
"withTime" => '[at] H:i',
"default" => 'd/m/Y',
"relativeTime" => array(
"future" => 'peste %s',
"past" => 'Īn urm? cu %s',
"s" => 'cāteva secunde',
"ss" => '%d secunde',
"m" => 'un minut',
"mm" => function ($count, $direction, Moment $m) use ($rtwp)
return $rtwp($count, $direction, $m, 'mm');
"h" => 'o or?',
"hh" => function ($count, $direction, Moment $m) use ($rtwp)
return $rtwp($count, $direction, $m, 'hh');
"d" => 'o zi',
"dd" => function ($count, $direction, Moment $m) use ($rtwp)
return $rtwp($count, $direction, $m, 'dd');
"M" => 'o lun?',
"MM" => function ($count, $direction, Moment $m) use ($rtwp)
return $rtwp($count, $direction, $m, 'MM');
"y" => 'un an',
"yy" => function ($count, $direction, Moment $m) use ($rtwp)
return $rtwp($count, $direction, $m, 'yy');
"ordinal" => function ($number)
return $number;
"week" => array(
"dow" => 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
"doy" => 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.