use LSNepomuceno\LaravelA1PdfSign\{ManageCert, SignaturePdf, ValidatePdfSignature};
use Illuminate\Support\{Str, Facades\File, Fluent};
use Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile;
if (!function_exists('signPdf')) {
* signPdf - Helper to fast signature pdf from pfx file
* @param string $pfxPath
* @param string $password
* @param string $pdfPath
* @param string $mode
* @return mixed
* @throws Throwable
function signPdfFromFile(string $pfxPath, string $password, string $pdfPath, string $mode = SignaturePdf::MODE_RESOURCE)
try {
return (new SignaturePdf(
(new ManageCert)->fromPfx($pfxPath, $password),
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
throw $th;
if (!function_exists('signPdfFromUpload')) {
* signPdfFromUpload - Helper to fast signature pdf from uploaded certificate
* @param UploadedFile $uploadedPfx
* @param string $password
* @param string $pdfPath
* @param string $mode
* @return mixed
* @throws Throwable
function signPdfFromUpload(UploadedFile $uploadedPfx, string $password, string $pdfPath, string $mode = SignaturePdf::MODE_RESOURCE)
try {
return (new SignaturePdf(
(new ManageCert)->fromUpload($uploadedPfx, $password),
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
throw $th;
if (!function_exists('encryptCertData')) {
* encryptCertData - Helper to fast encrypt certificate data
* @param UploadedFile|string $uploadedOrPfxPath
* @param string $password
* @return Fluent
* @throws Throwable
function encryptCertData($uploadedOrPfxPath, string $password): Fluent
try {
$cert = new ManageCert;
if ($uploadedOrPfxPath instanceof UploadedFile) {
$cert->fromUpload($uploadedOrPfxPath, $password);
} else {
$cert->fromPfx($uploadedOrPfxPath, $password);
return new Fluent([
'certificate' => $cert->getEncrypter()->encryptString($cert->getCert()->original),
'password' => $cert->getEncrypter()->encryptString($password),
'hash' => $cert->getHashKey(), // IMPORTANT, USE ON DECRYPT HELPER
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
throw $th;
if (!function_exists('decryptCertData')) {
* decryptCertData - Helper to fast decrypt certificate
* @param string $hashKey
* @param string $encryptCert
* @param string $password
* @param bool $isBase64
* @return ManageCert
* @throws Throwable
function decryptCertData(string $hashKey, string $encryptCert, string $password, bool $isBase64 = false): ManageCert
try {
$cert = (new ManageCert)->setHashKey($hashKey);
$uuid = Str::orderedUuid();
$pfxName = "{$cert->getTempDir()}{$uuid}.pfx";
$decryptedData = $cert->getEncrypter()->decryptString($encryptCert);
File::put($pfxName, $isBase64 ? base64_decode($decryptedData) : $decryptedData);
return $cert->fromPfx(
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
throw $th;
if (!function_exists('a1TempDir')) {
* a1TempDir - Helper to make temp dir and files
* @param bool $tempFile
* @param string $fileExt
* @return string
function a1TempDir(bool $tempFile = false, string $fileExt = '.pfx'): string
$tempDir = __DIR__ . '/Temp/';
if ($tempFile) $tempDir .= Str::orderedUuid() . $fileExt;
return $tempDir;
if (!function_exists('validatePdfSignature')) {
* validatePdfSignature - Validate pdf signature
* @param string $pdfPath
* @return Fluent
* @throws Throwable
function validatePdfSignature(string $pdfPath): Fluent
try {
return ValidatePdfSignature::from($pdfPath);
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
throw $th;