* This script is developed by Arturs Sosins aka ar2rsawseen, http://webcodingeasy.com
* Fee free to distribute and modify code, but keep reference to its creator
* This class uses IMDB API from http://imdbapi.poromenos.org/ which is
* database of TV series and Episodes updated every day from IMDB interface files
* This class can search for TV series by exact names or similar names or
* combined method, return list of episodes and restructure it by seasons
* and output restructured array with simple hide/show ability using javascript
* It can also check if episode exists in specified TV series, so you can
* use it as dictionary to rename your existing episodes etc.
* For more information, examples and online documentation visit:
* http://webcodingeasy.com/PHP-classes/Episode-tracker-class
//This is an example usage of Episode tracker class
//There are two type of arrays used in this class
//First type is an episode list in random order, just for dictionary purpose
//Other is restructured array where episodes are grouped in right order by seasons
//There is also an example of using print_episodes method with hide/show ablity
//declaring class instance
$ep = new ep_track();
//for user end view
echo "<a name='contents'><h3>Contents</h3></a>";
echo "<p><a href='#get_similar_names'>Using get_similar_names method</a></p>";
echo "<p><a href='#get_exact_names'>Using get_exact_names method</a></p>";
echo "<p><a href='#transform'>Outputting restructured array</a></p>";
echo "<p><a href='#get_episodes'>Using get_episodes method and otuputting episodes using print_episodes method with hide/show ability</a></p>";
echo "<p><a href='#check_episode'>Checking if episode exists in specified TV series</a></p>";
//Getting similar TV series by specified name,
//if only one found returns episode list
//if multiple, returns TV series names
//$arr = $ep->get_similar_names("Big theory"); //only one found(The Big bang theory)
$arr = $ep->get_similar_names("Lie"); //multiple TV series found
echo "<a name='get_similar_names'><h3>Using get_similar_names method with word \"Lie\"</h3></a>";
echo "<p><a href='#contents'>Back to contents</a></p>";
//checking for errors
$errors = $ep->get_errors();
foreach($errors as $error)
echo "<p>".$error."</p>";
else // no error output array
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
//if multiple TV series provided next step to do is us get_exact_names for each TV series name
//Getting TV series by exact name,
//if only one found returns episode list
//if multiple, returns TV series names
//Searching for exact names
$arr = $ep->get_exact_names("How I met your mother"); //only one found
//$arr = $ep->get_exact_names("Iron man"); //multiple TV series found
echo "<a name='get_exact_names'><h3>Using get_exact_names method with name \"How I met your mother\"</h3></a>";
echo "<p><a href='#contents'>Back to contents</a></p>";
//checking for errors
$errors = $ep->get_errors();
foreach($errors as $error)
echo "<p>".$error."</p>";
else // no error output array
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
//Restructuring and ordering array with list of episodes
echo "<a name='transform'><h3>Outputting restructured array</h3></a>";
echo "<p><a href='#contents'>Back to contents</a></p>";
//getting episode list
$arr = $ep->get_exact_names("How I met your mother");
//restructuring array
$arr = $ep->transform($arr);
//checking for errors
$errors = $ep->get_errors();
foreach($errors as $error)
echo "<p>".$error."</p>";
else // no error
//printing array structure
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
//Using get_episodes method which automatically checks for exact matches and then for similar matches if no exact founds
//and returns restructured array (like after transform method) of episodes of TV series that ar most similar to specified one
echo "<a name='get_episodes'><h3>Using get_episodes method and otuputting episodes using print_episodes method with hide/show ability with word \"Iron\"</h3></a>";
echo "<p><a href='#contents'>Back to contents</a></p>";
//Getting episodes
$arr = $ep->get_episodes("Iron");
//checking for errors
$errors = $ep->get_errors();
foreach($errors as $error)
echo "<p>".$error."</p>";
else // no error
//printing array structure
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
//or using print_episodes method with hide/show ability for seasons using javascript
//pass false as second parameter if don't want to use hide/show
$ep->print_episodes($arr, true);
//Checking if episode with wildcard %name% exists in TV series
//if exists returns array with all episodes mathicng wildcard with exact episode name, season and episode numbers
echo "<a name='check_episode'><h3>Checking if episode exists in specified TV series</h3></a>";
echo "<p><a href='#contents'>Back to contents</a></p>";
//Checking if there is an episode with specified substring
$arr = $ep->check_episode("or false", "How I met your mother");
//checking for errors
$errors = $ep->get_errors();
foreach($errors as $error)
echo "<p>".$error."</p>";
else // no error
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";