require 'validation.class.php';
$validation = new validation;
* here, into method checkString set array with name and content validation string
-> setString('first_string', 'Litwo! Ojczyzno maja! Ty jesteś jak zdrowie...')
-> setString('second_string', '') //don't valid, because in rules is required ;]
-> setString('third_string', 'short string');
* set rules :)
-> setValidations( 'first_string') -> minlenght( 15) -> maxlenght( 1574)
-> setValidations( 'second_string') -> required( true)
-> setValidations( 'third_string') -> required( true) -> type( 'string') -> between( array( 10,1587)) -> start();
//check whether valid
echo ($validation -> isValid( array( 'first_string', 'second_string', 'third_string'))) ? 'Valid' : 'Don\'t valid';
//return array with errors
print_r( $validation -> error);