* Contemplate
* Light-weight Templating Engine for PHP, Python, Node and client-side JavaScript
* https://github.com/foo123/Contemplate
* @inspired by : Simple JavaScript Templating, John Resig - http://ejohn.org/ - MIT Licensed
* http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-micro-templating/
* Test
// run as: "php -S localhost:8001 test.php"
define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__));
$uri = /*urldecode(*/parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH)/*)*/;
if ($uri === '') $uri = '/';
if ($uri !== '/' && file_exists(ABSPATH . '/' . $uri))
return false; // existing file, serve as-is
// include the Contemplate Class
function test_plugin($v = null)
if ($v) return 'Plugin Test value: ' . $v;
return 'Plugin Test no value given';
function print_plugin($v = null)
return '<pre>' . print_r($v, true) . '</pre>';
/*function uuid_override($args)
return 'uuid overriden';
// does not override native Contemplate::uuid method,
// so make this expected behaviour for other Contemplate implementations as well
Contemplate::addPlugin('uuid', 'uuid_override');*/
Contemplate::addPlugin('plg_test', 'test_plugin');
Contemplate::addPlugin('plg_print', 'print_plugin');
function bracket($v = null)
return '[[' . $v . ']]';
Contemplate::addPlugin('inlinedBracket', Contemplate::inline('bracket($0)',array('$0'=>0),false));
// set the cache directory (make sure to exist)
// dynamically update the cached template if original template has changed
// add the templates paths
global $TPLS;
$TPLS = array(
'main' => ABSPATH.'/_tpls/main.tpl.html',
'base' => ABSPATH.'/_tpls/base.tpl.html',
'demo' => ABSPATH.'/_tpls/demo.tpl.html',
'sub' => ABSPATH.'/_tpls/sub.tpl.html',
'date' => ABSPATH.'/_tpls/date.tpl.html',
// add an inline template
'inlinetpl' => array('<% super("block") %><% for($list as $l=>$item) %> <% $l %> <% $item %><br /><% endfor %>')
global $TPLS;
return isset($TPLS[$tpl]) ? $TPLS[$tpl] : null;
/*print_r(Contemplate::parseTpl( '<% %for($list as $l=>$item) %> <% $l %> <% $item %><br /><% %endfor() %>' ));*/
/* localize some strings */
/* make sure this file is encoded in UTF-8 */
"Jul" => "????",
"Sep" => "????"
// the data to be used by the templates
$listdata = array('list'=>array('item1', 'item2', 'item3'));
$data = array(
'users' => array(
array('name'=>'u1', 'text'=>'text1', 'id'=>'id1'),
array('name'=>'u2', 'text'=>'text2', 'id'=>'id2', 'key1'=>'key1'),
array('name'=>'u3', 'text'=>'text3', 'id'=>'id3'),
array('name'=>'u4', 'text'=>'text4', 'id'=>'id4'),
array('name'=>'u5', 'text'=>'text5', 'id'=>'id5'),
array('name'=>'u6', 'text'=>'text6', 'id'=>'id6', 'key'=>array('key1'=>'key1')),
'table_data' => array(
'column1' => array(1,2,3),
'column2' => array(4,5,6),
'column3' => array(7,8,9),
'table_options' => array('header'=>true),
'select_data' => array(
'group1' => array(1=>'label 1',2=>'label 2',3=>'label 3'),
'group2' => array(4=>'label 4',5=>'label 5',6=>'label 6'),
'group3' => array(7=>'label 7',8=>'label 8',9=>'label 9'),
'select_options' => array(
'optgroups' => array('group1', 'group2', 'group3'),
'selected' => 3,
'multiple' => false,
'style' => 'width:200px;'
$main_template_data = array(
'templates' => array(
'base' => Contemplate::getTemplateContents('base'),
'demo' => Contemplate::getTemplateContents('demo'),
'sub' => Contemplate::getTemplateContents('sub'),
'date' => Contemplate::getTemplateContents('date')
'contemplate_version' => Contemplate::VERSION,
//'sepleft' => $sepleft,
//'sepright' => $sepright,
'data_client' => json_encode($data),
'render_server' => Contemplate::tpl('demo', $data),
'render_inline' => Contemplate::tpl('inlinetpl', $listdata, array('separators' => '<% %>'))
echo Contemplate::tpl('main', $main_template_data);