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File: test/08-web/_tplcache/sub_tpl__global.js

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  Classes of Nikos M.   Contemplate   test/08-web/_tplcache/sub_tpl__global.js   Download  
File: test/08-web/_tplcache/sub_tpl__global.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Contemplate
Template engine that provides programming controls
Author: By
Last change: v.1.6.0

* local keyword to define literal local vars, some names are reserved
* literal code can communicate to and fro template code
* better variable parsing, any valid expression can be inside variable bracket notation
* update tests
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,052 bytes


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!function(root, name, factory) { "use strict"; if (('undefined'!==typeof Components)&&('object'===typeof Components.classes)&&('object'===typeof Components.classesByID)&&Components.utils&&('function'===typeof Components.utils['import'])) /* XPCOM */ (root.$deps = root.$deps||{}) && (root.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [name]) && (root[name] = root.$deps[name] =; else if (('object'===typeof module)&&module.exports) /* CommonJS */ (module.$deps = module.$deps||{}) && (module.exports = module.$deps[name] =; else if (('function'===typeof define)&&define.amd&&('function'===typeof require)&&('function'===typeof require.specified)&&require.specified(name) /*&& !require.defined(name)*/) /* AMD */ define(name,['module'],function(module){factory.moduleUri = module.uri; return;}); else if (!(name in root)) /* Browser/WebWorker/.. */ (root[name] =||1)&&('function'===typeof(define))&&define.amd&&define(function(){return root[name];} ); }('undefined' !== typeof self ? self : this,'Contemplate_sub__global',function() { "use strict"; return function(Contemplate) { /* Contemplate cached template 'sub', constructor */ function Contemplate_sub__global(id) { var self = this;, id); /* tpl-defined blocks render code starts here */ /* tpl-defined blocks render code ends here */ /* extend tpl assign code starts here */ self._usesTpl = []; /* extend tpl assign code ends here */ } /* extends main Contemplate.Template class */ Contemplate_sub__global.prototype = Object.create(Contemplate.Template.prototype); /* render method */ Contemplate_sub__global.prototype.render = function(data, __i__) { "use strict"; var self = this, __p__ = '', __ctx = false; !__i__&&(__i__=self)&&(self._autonomus||(__ctx=Contemplate._set_ctx(self._ctx))); /* tpl main render code starts here */ __p__ += '<div>' + "\n" + ' <br />' + "\n" + ' <strong>Number of Items:' + (Contemplate.count(data.users[data.i])) + '</strong>' + "\n" + ' <br />' + "\n" + ' '; var _loc_j; var _loc_user; var _loc_7 = data.users[data.i], _loc_8 = _loc_7 ? Object.keys(_loc_7) : null, _loc_9, _loc_10 = _loc_7 ? _loc_8.length : 0; if (_loc_10) { for (_loc_9=0; _loc_9<_loc_10; ++_loc_9) { _loc_j = _loc_8[_loc_9]; _loc_user = _loc_7[_loc_j]; __p__ += '' + "\n" + ' <div id=\'' + (_loc_user["id"]) + '\' class="'; if (0 == (_loc_j % 2)) { __p__ += 'even'; } else if (1 == (_loc_j % 2)) { __p__ += 'odd'; } __p__ += '">' + "\n" + ' <a href="/' + (_loc_user["name"]) + '">' + ( + '' + (_loc_user.text) + ' ' + (parseInt(data.i) + parseInt(_loc_j)) + '</a>: <strong>' + (_loc_user["text"]) + '</strong>' + "\n" + ' </div>' + "\n" + ' '; if (Contemplate.haskey(_loc_user, "key1")) { __p__ += '' + "\n" + ' <div> User has key &quot;key1&quot; </div>' + "\n" + ' '; } else if (Contemplate.haskey(_loc_user, "key", "key1")) { __p__ += '' + "\n" + ' <div> User has key [&quot;key&quot;][&quot;key1&quot;] </div>' + "\n" + ' '; } __p__ += '' + "\n" + ' '; } } else { __p__ += '' + "\n" + ' <div class="none">' + (l("No Users")) + '</div>' + "\n" + ' '; } __p__ += '' + "\n" + '</div>' + "\n" + ''; /* tpl main render code ends here */ __ctx&&Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx); return __p__; }; // export it return Contemplate_sub__global; }; });