# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Contemplate cached template 'main'
def __getTplClass__(Contemplate):
# extends the main Contemplate.Template class
class Contemplate_main__global(Contemplate.Template):
'Contemplate cached template main'
# constructor
def __init__(self, id = None):
self_ = self
super(Contemplate_main__global, self).__init__(id)
# extend tpl assign code starts here
self_._usesTpl = []
# extend tpl assign code ends here
# tpl-defined blocks render code starts here
# tpl-defined blocks render code ends here
# render a tpl block method
def block(self, block, data, __i__ = None):
self_ = self
__ctx = False
r = ''
if not __i__:
__i__ = self_
if not self_._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self_._ctx)
method = '_blockfn_' + block
if (hasattr(self_, method) and callable(getattr(self_, method))):
r = getattr(self_, method)(data, self_, __i__)
elif self_._extends:
r = self_._extends.block(block, data, __i__)
if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx)
return r
# render method
def render(self, data, __i__ = None):
self_ = self
__ctx = False
__p__ = ''
if not __i__:
__i__ = self_
if not self._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self_._ctx)
if self_._extends:
__p__ = self_._extends.render(data, __i__)
# tpl main render code starts here
__p__ += '<!DOCTYPE html>' + "\n" + '<html>' + "\n" + ' <!--' + "\n" + ' /*' + "\n" + ' * Simple light-weight template engine for PHP, Python, Node, XPCOM and client-side JavaScript' + "\n" + ' * @author: Nikos M. http://nikos-web-development.netai.net/' + "\n" + ' *' + "\n" + ' * @inspired by : Simple JavaScript Templating, John Resig - http://ejohn.org/ - MIT Licensed' + "\n" + ' * http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-micro-templating/' + "\n" + ' *' + "\n" + ' */' + "\n" + ' -->' + "\n" + ' <head>' + "\n" + ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />' + "\n" + ' <style>#forkongithub a{background:#aa0000;color:#fff;text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding:5px 40px;font-size:0.9rem;line-height:1.4rem;position:relative;transition:0.5s;}#forkongithub a:hover{background:#aa0000;color:#fff;}#forkongithub a::before,#forkongithub a::after{content:"";width:100%;display:block;position:absolute;z-index:100;top:1px;left:0;height:1px;background:#fff;}#forkongithub a::after{bottom:1px;top:auto;}@media screen and (min-width:800px){#forkongithub{position:absolute;display:block;z-index:100;top:0;right:0;width:200px;overflow:hidden;height:200px;}#forkongithub a{width:200px;position:absolute;top:60px;right:-60px;transform:rotate(45deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);box-shadow:4px 4px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.8);}}</style>' + "\n" + ' <script type="text/x-contemplate" id="base_tpl">' + str(data['templates']["base"]) + '</script>' + "\n" + ' <script type="text/x-contemplate" id="demo_tpl">' + str(data['templates']["demo"]) + '</script>' + "\n" + ' <script type="text/x-contemplate" id="date_tpl">' + str(data['templates']["date"]) + '</script>' + "\n" + ' <script type="text/x-contemplate" id="sub_tpl">' + str(data['templates']["sub"]) + '</script>' + "\n" + ' <script src="./js/Contemplate.min.js?nocache=1"></script>' + "\n" + ' </head>' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' <body>' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' <span id="forkongithub"><a href="https://github.com/foo123/Contemplate">Eat me on GitHub</a></span>' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' <strong>Contemplate.VERSION = ' + str(data['contemplate_version']) + '</strong><br /><br />' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' An inline template:' + "\n" + ' <div id="inline">' + str(data['render_inline']) + '</div>' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' <hr />' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' In the SERVER:' + "\n" + ' <div id="results_server">' + str(data['render_server']) + '</div>' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' <hr />' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' In the CLIENT:' + "\n" + ' <strong>Contemplate.VERSION (client) = <span id="version">0</span></strong><br /><br />' + "\n" + ' <div id="results_client"></div>' + "\n" + ' <script type="text/javascript">' + "\n" + ' /* add the templates */' + "\n" + ' var TPLS = {' + "\n" + ' \'base\' : "#base_tpl"' + "\n" + ' ,\'demo\' : "#demo_tpl"' + "\n" + ' ,\'sub\' : "#sub_tpl"' + "\n" + ' ,\'date\' : "#date_tpl"' + "\n" + ' };' + "\n" + ' //Contemplate.add(TPLS);' + "\n" + ' Contemplate.setTemplateFinder(function(tpl,cb) {' + "\n" + ' if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(TPLS, tpl))' + "\n" + ' {' + "\n" + ' if (\'function\' === typeof cb) return cb(TPLS[tpl]);' + "\n" + ' else return TPLS[tpl];' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + ' else' + "\n" + ' {' + "\n" + ' if (\'function\' === typeof cb) return cb(null);' + "\n" + ' else return null;' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + ' });' + "\n" + ' Contemplate.addPlugin(\'plg_test\', function(v) {' + "\n" + ' if (v) return \'Plugin Test value: \' + v;' + "\n" + ' return \'Plugin Test no value given\';' + "\n" + ' });' + "\n" + ' Contemplate.addPlugin(\'plg_print\', function(v) {' + "\n" + ' return \'<pre>\' + JSON.stringify(v, null, 4) + \'</pre>\';' + "\n" + ' });' + "\n" + ' window.bracket = function(v) {' + "\n" + ' return \'[[\' + v + \']]\';' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + ' Contemplate.addPlugin(\'inlinedBracket\', Contemplate.inline(\'bracket($0)\',{\'$0\':0}));' + "\n" + ' document.getElementById("version").innerHTML = \'\'+Contemplate.VERSION;' + "\n" + ' document.getElementById("results_client").innerHTML = Contemplate.tpl(\'demo\', ' + str(data['data_client']) + ');' + "\n" + ' </script>' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' </body>' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '</html>'
# tpl main render code ends here
if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx)
return __p__
return Contemplate_main__global
# allow to 'import *' from this file as a module
__all__ = ['__getTplClass__']