a:3:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:5:"inner";a:1:{s:7:"content";s:977:"[b]Dir structure[/b][pre]/elemental-sm/
/admin/ - admin
index.html - modify if you want to use other default lang.
/cnt/ - here store CNT of page (serialized)
/templates/ - here templates (skins)
/default/ - default skin
page.tpl - template of page
menu.tpl - template of menu
menu_delim.tpl - menu''s delimiter
menu_selected.tpl - selected menu item
menu_unselected.tpl - unselected menu item
/tmp/ - store sessions
/translation/ - translation,
simple add your file (f.e. de.txt) in this
en.txt - file for english
ru.txt - file for russian
/html/ - here stored published pages (from CNT)
/include/ - here all classes
Config.php - here you can config skin name (directory)
PageRepository.php - here you can configure page
/offline/ - here generated site stored
";}}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:5:"inner";a:1:{s:7:"content";s:1013:"[b]How change pages[/b]
open [b]PageRepository.php[/b]
there is method [b]initPage()[/b] there is array:
each page have unique id,
for example page "main", have id "main", and next content:
main => array(
pageName => ''main'',
pagePath => ''cnt/main.cnt'',
pageHtml => ''../html/main.html'',
pageURL => ''../?pageId=main''
pageName - name in menu,
pagePath - path to CNT
pageHtml - path to HTML (where to generate)
pageURL - url
then there is section array [b]$this->arraySectionPage[/b]
where each page are registered to section, there is two sections: "Page" and "Site"
Section "Site":
site => array(
sectionName => '''',
pagesOfSection => array( "main",
"author" )
[b]Change Password[/b]
login and password you can change in file
admin_pwd => array( uid => 1, name => ''Admin'' ),
{login}_{pwd} =>";}}}