# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Contemplate cached template 'test'
def __getTplClass__(Contemplate):
# extends the main Contemplate.Template class
class Contemplate_test__global(Contemplate.Template):
'Contemplate cached template test'
# constructor
def __init__(self, id=None):
self_ = self
super(Contemplate_test__global, self).__init__(id)
# extend tpl assign code starts here
self_._usesTpl = []
# extend tpl assign code ends here
# tpl-defined blocks render code starts here
# tpl-defined blocks render code ends here
# render a tpl block method
def block(self, block, data, __i__=None):
self_ = self
__ctx = False
r = ''
if not __i__:
__i__ = self_
if not self._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self._ctx)
method = '_blockfn_' + block
if (hasattr(self_, method) and callable(getattr(self_, method))):
r = getattr(self_, method)(data, self_, __i__)
elif self_._extends:
r = self_._extends.block(block, data, __i__)
if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx)
return r
# render method
def render(self, data, __i__=None):
self_ = self
__ctx = False
__p__ = ''
if not __i__:
__i__ = self_
if not self._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self._ctx)
if self_._extends:
__p__ = self_._extends.render(data, __i__)
# tpl main render code starts here
__p__ += '' + "\n" + ''
__p__ += '' + "\n" + ''
tplvar = ("set in template")
__p__ += '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ''
# py code start
__p__ += str(tplvar + ", accessed in py")
# py code end
__p__ += '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ''
# py code start
tplvar = "set in py"
# py code end
__p__ += '' + "\n" + '' + str(str(tplvar)+str(", accessed in template")) + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ''
__p__ += '' + "\n" + ''
_loc_9 = data['list']
_loc_10 = (_loc_9 if isinstance(_loc_9,(list,tuple)) else _loc_9.values()) if _loc_9 else None
if (_loc_10):
for v in _loc_10:
__p__ += '' + "\n" + ''
# py code start
foo = "py"
bar = "code"
# py code end
__p__ += '' + "\n" + '' + str(str("template: ")+str(v)) + '' + "\n" + ''
# py code start
__p__ += str("py: " + str(v))
# py code end
__p__ += '' + "\n" + ''
__p__ += '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ''
# py code start
for v in data['list']:
#tabbed comment
# py code end
__p__ += '' + str(v) + '' + "\n" + ''
# py code start
# py code end
__p__ += '' + "\n" + ''
# tpl main render code ends here
if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx)
return __p__
return Contemplate_test__global
# allow to 'import *' from this file as a module
__all__ = ['__getTplClass__']