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File: src/components/button/Button.tsx

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   WordPress React Plugin Kit   src/components/button/Button.tsx   Download  
File: src/components/button/Button.tsx
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WordPress React Plugin Kit
Environment to develop new WordPress plugins
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 5,703 bytes


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/** * External dependencies */ import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'; import { IconDefinition } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-common-types'; export interface IButton { /** * Button Inside text. */ text: string; /** * Button icon, a font-awesome icon. */ icon?: IconDefinition | undefined; /** * Icon position left or right. */ iconPosition?: string; /** * Button type - primary, success, error, warning, default. */ type?: string; /** * Outline button or not. */ outline?: boolean; /** * Onclick button handler. */ onClick?: () => void; /** * Button class if any. */ buttonCustomClass?: string; /** * Icon custom class if any. */ iconCustomClass?: string; /** * Button inside text custom class, if any. */ textClassName?: string; /** * Detect if in smaller screen text should be hidden or not. */ smTextHidden?: boolean; /** * Is button disabled or not. */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Button Inline style. */ style?: React.CSSProperties; } const defaultButtonProps = { text: '', icon: undefined, iconPosition: 'left', type: 'default', outline: false, onClick: () => {}, buttonCustomClass: '', iconCustomClass: '', textClassName: '', smTextHidden: false, disabled: false, style: {}, }; const Button = (props: IButton) => { const { text, icon, iconPosition, type, outline, onClick, buttonCustomClass, iconCustomClass, disabled, textClassName, smTextHidden, style, } = { ...defaultButtonProps, ...props }; /** * Get class Name for button from props. * * @return string */ const getClassName = () => { let className = `transition px-4 pl-4 py-2 leading-5 rounded-md font-medium text-sm`; let textColor = 'white'; let bgColor = ''; let borderColor = ''; let bgActiveColor = ''; let hoverTextColor = 'white'; switch (type) { case 'primary': textColor = outline ? 'primary' : 'white'; bgColor = outline ? 'white' : 'primary'; bgActiveColor = outline ? 'primary-dark' : 'primary-dark'; borderColor = outline ? 'blue-800' : 'transparent'; break; case 'warning': textColor = outline ? 'yellow-500' : 'white'; bgColor = outline ? 'white' : 'yellow-500'; bgActiveColor = outline ? 'yellow-600' : 'yellow-600'; borderColor = outline ? 'yellow-500' : 'transparent'; break; case 'error': textColor = outline ? 'error' : 'white'; bgColor = outline ? 'white' : 'bg-red-500'; bgActiveColor = outline ? 'error-dark' : 'error'; borderColor = outline ? 'error' : 'transparent'; break; case 'success': textColor = outline ? 'success' : 'white'; bgColor = outline ? 'white' : 'success-dark'; bgActiveColor = outline ? 'success-dark' : 'success'; borderColor = outline ? 'success' : 'transparent'; break; case 'default': textColor = 'black'; bgColor = outline ? 'white' : 'gray-liter'; bgActiveColor = outline ? 'gray-liter' : 'gray-liter'; borderColor = outline ? 'transparent' : 'gray-dark'; hoverTextColor = 'black'; // outline ? 'black' : 'white'; break; default: break; } // Add background and text colors className += ` bg-${bgColor} hover:bg-${bgActiveColor} hover:bg-opacity-80 focus:bg-${bgActiveColor} text-${textColor} hover:text-${hoverTextColor} focus:text-${textColor} hover:rounded-md focus:rounded-md focus:outline-none`; // Add border with color className += ` border ${ outline ? ' border-solid ' : '' } border-${borderColor} hover:border-${borderColor} focus:border-${borderColor}`; // Add opacity for disabled button if (disabled) { className += ' opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed'; } // Add custom class name if provided if ( typeof buttonCustomClass !== 'undefined' && buttonCustomClass !== null ) { className = `${buttonCustomClass} ${className}`; } return className; }; return ( <button className={getClassName()} style={{ }} onClick={onClick} disabled={disabled} type="button" > {typeof icon !== 'undefined' && iconPosition === 'left' && ( <span className={`${ smTextHidden ? 'px-0 sm:px-2' : 'px-2' } pl-0 ${iconCustomClass}`} > <FontAwesomeIcon icon={icon} /> </span> )} <span className={textClassName}>{text}</span> {typeof icon !== 'undefined' && iconPosition === 'right' && ( <span className={`px-2 ${iconCustomClass}`}> <FontAwesomeIcon icon={icon} /> </span> )} <br /> </button> ); }; Button.defaultProps = defaultButtonProps; export default Button;