return [
| Flag to enable/disable read-only mode from the .env file
'enabled' => env('APP_READ_ONLY', false),
| Put the app in read-only mode but still allow users to login and view
| Good if you want to give access to view a secure area but not alter data
'allow_login' => env('APP_READ_ONLY_LOGIN', false),
| Path to your login/logout paths from the root, http://mysite.com/login
| If allow_login = true
'login_path' => 'login',
'logout_path' => 'logout',
| The request types that you want to block
'locked_types' => [
| The GET request, or paths that you want to prevent access to
'pages' => [
| White list certain request types to certain pages
'whitelist' => [
// 'post' => 'password/confirm',