* This script is developed by Arturs Sosins aka ar2rsawseen, http://webcodingeasy.com
* Fee free to distribute and modify code, but keep reference to its creator
* This class uses Guitar chord API http://pargitaru.co.cc/api/.
* It can find chord variations based on given data about chord
* You can specify chord name, chord modification, or/and string/fret combination
* For more information, examples and online documentation visit:
* http://webcodingeasy.com/PHP-classes/Guitar-chord-API-class
//This is an example usage of Guitar Chord API class from http://pargitaru.co.cc/api/
//this example generates three forms
//First one for searching for standart chords based on chord name and/or modification
//Second one for searching for special chords based on chord name
//Third one is for searching standart and special chords by specifying string and fret
$chord = new chords();
//*------using arrays to genereat standart chord form example-----*/
//setting chord name, empty values will be ignored
//setting chord modification, empty values will be ignored
//requesting json data, json is a default data output format, so no need pass it as a parameter(here just for example)
//to get xml data use $chord->request("xml");
$chord_data = json_decode($chord->request("json"), true);
//getting errors
$errors = $chord->get_errors();
//checking if there are any error
foreach($errors as $error)
echo "<p>".$error."</p>";
foreach($chord_data['chords'] as $ch)
echo "<p>".$ch['chord'].$ch['modf'].": ";
foreach($ch as $key => $val)
if(!in_array($key, array("chord", "modf")))
echo $val." ";
echo "</p>";
echo "<p>Search for chords and modifications:</p>";
echo "<form action='' method='post'>";
$chord_arr = $chord->get_chords();
echo "<select name='chord'>";
echo "<option value=''>--</option>";
foreach($chord_arr as $val)
echo "<option value='".$val."'>".$val."</option>";
echo "</select>";
$modf_arr = $chord->get_modifications();
echo "<select name='modf'>";
echo "<option value=''>--</option>";
foreach($modf_arr as $val)
echo "<option value='".$val."'>".$val."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='from_select' value='true'/>";
echo "<input type='submit' value='Find'/>";
echo "</form>";
//*------using arrays to genereat special chord form example-----*/
//setting chord name, empty values will be ignored
//true specifies that this is a special chord
$chord->set_chord($_POST['chord'], true);
//requesting json data, json is a default data output format
$chord_data = json_decode($chord->request(), true);
//getting errors
$errors = $chord->get_errors();
//checking if there are any error
foreach($errors as $error)
echo "<p>".$error."</p>";
foreach($chord_data['chords'] as $ch)
echo "<p>".$ch['chord'].": ";
foreach($ch as $key => $val)
if(!in_array($key, array("chord", "modf")))
echo $val." ";
echo "</p>";
echo "<p>Search for special chords:</p>";
echo "<form action='' method='post'>";
$chord_arr = $chord->get_specials();
echo "<select name='chord'>";
echo "<option value=''>--</option>";
foreach($chord_arr as $val)
echo "<option value='".$val."'>".$val."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='from_select_sp' value='true'/>";
echo "<input type='submit' value='Find'/>";
echo "</form>";
//*------Searching for chords by strings and frets-----*/
//setting strings to search for standart chords
//requesting json data, json is a default data
$chord_data = json_decode($chord->request(), true);
//getting errors
$errors = $chord->get_errors();
//checking if there are any error
echo "<p>Standart chord errors:</p>";
foreach($errors as $error)
echo "<p>".$error."</p>";
echo "<p>Standart chord results:</p>";
foreach($chord_data['chords'] as $ch)
echo "<p>".$ch['chord'].$ch['modf'].": ";
foreach($ch as $key => $val)
if(!in_array($key, array("chord", "modf")))
echo $val." ";
echo "</p>";
//reset all data to default values
//setting strings to search for special chords
$chord->set_strings($_POST['strings'], true);
//requesting json data, json is a default data
$chord_data = json_decode($chord->request(), true);
//getting errors
$errors = $chord->get_errors();
//checking if there are any error
echo "<p>Special chord errors:</p>";
foreach($errors as $error)
echo "<p>".$error."</p>";
echo "<p>Special chord results:</p>";
foreach($chord_data['chords'] as $ch)
echo "<p>".$ch['chord'].": ";
foreach($ch as $key => $val)
if(!in_array($key, array("chord", "modf")))
echo $val." ";
echo "</p>";
echo "<p>Search for chords by frets:</p>";
echo "<form action='' method='post'>";
$arr = array("e", "b", "g", "D", "A", "E");
foreach($arr as $val)
echo "<p>".$val.": <input type='text' name='strings[]' size='2'/></p>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='by_string' value='true'/>";
echo "<input type='submit' value='Find'/>";
echo "</form>";