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File: public/public/assets/backend/js/dropify/js/dropify.js

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   LaraCMS   public/public/assets/backend/js/dropify/js/dropify.js   Download  
File: public/public/assets/backend/js/dropify/js/dropify.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: LaraCMS
Content management system based on Laravel
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 17,156 bytes


Class file image Download
/*! * ============================================================= * dropify v0.2.2 - Override your input files with style. * * * (c) 2017 - Jeremy FAGIS <> ( * ============================================================= */ ;(function(root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { root.Dropify = factory(root.jQuery); } }(this, function($) { var pluginName = "dropify"; /** * Dropify plugin * * @param {Object} element * @param {Array} options */ function Dropify(element, options) { if (!(window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob)) { return; } var defaults = { defaultFile: '', maxFileSize: 0, minWidth: 0, maxWidth: 0, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: 0, showRemove: true, showLoader: true, showErrors: true, errorTimeout: 3000, errorsPosition: 'overlay', imgFileExtensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp'], maxFileSizePreview: "5M", allowedFormats: ['portrait', 'square', 'landscape'], allowedFileExtensions: ['*'], messages: { 'default': 'Drag and drop a file here or click', 'replace': 'Drag and drop or click to replace', 'remove': 'Remove', 'error': 'Ooops, something wrong happended.' }, error: { 'fileSize': 'The file size is too big ({{ value }} max).', 'minWidth': 'The image width is too small ({{ value }}}px min).', 'maxWidth': 'The image width is too big ({{ value }}}px max).', 'minHeight': 'The image height is too small ({{ value }}}px min).', 'maxHeight': 'The image height is too big ({{ value }}px max).', 'imageFormat': 'The image format is not allowed ({{ value }} only).', 'fileExtension': 'The file is not allowed ({{ value }} only).' }, tpl: { wrap: '<div class="dropify-wrapper"></div>', loader: '<div class="dropify-loader"></div>', message: '<div class="dropify-message"><span class="file-icon" /> <p>{{ default }}</p></div>', preview: '<div class="dropify-preview"><span class="dropify-render"></span><div class="dropify-infos"><div class="dropify-infos-inner"><p class="dropify-infos-message">{{ replace }}</p></div></div></div>', filename: '<p class="dropify-filename"><span class="dropify-filename-inner"></span></p>', clearButton: '<button type="button" class="dropify-clear">{{ remove }}</button>', errorLine: '<p class="dropify-error">{{ error }}</p>', errorsContainer: '<div class="dropify-errors-container"><ul></ul></div>' } }; this.element = element; this.input = $(this.element); this.wrapper = null; this.preview = null; this.filenameWrapper = null; this.settings = $.extend(true, defaults, options,; this.errorsEvent = $.Event('dropify.errors'); this.isDisabled = false; this.isInit = false; this.file = { object: null, name: null, size: null, width: null, height: null, type: null }; if (!Array.isArray(this.settings.allowedFormats)) { this.settings.allowedFormats = this.settings.allowedFormats.split(' '); } if (!Array.isArray(this.settings.allowedFileExtensions)) { this.settings.allowedFileExtensions = this.settings.allowedFileExtensions.split(' '); } this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this); this.clearElement = this.clearElement.bind(this); this.onFileReady = this.onFileReady.bind(this); this.translateMessages(); this.createElements(); this.setContainerSize(); this.errorsEvent.errors = []; this.input.on('change', this.onChange); } /** * On change event */ Dropify.prototype.onChange = function() { this.resetPreview(); this.readFile(this.element); }; /** * Create dom elements */ Dropify.prototype.createElements = function() { this.isInit = true; this.input.wrap($(this.settings.tpl.wrap)); this.wrapper = this.input.parent(); var messageWrapper = $(this.settings.tpl.message).insertBefore(this.input); $(this.settings.tpl.errorLine).appendTo(messageWrapper); if (this.isTouchDevice() === true) { this.wrapper.addClass('touch-fallback'); } if (this.input.attr('disabled')) { this.isDisabled = true; this.wrapper.addClass('disabled'); } if (this.settings.showLoader === true) { this.loader = $(this.settings.tpl.loader); this.loader.insertBefore(this.input); } this.preview = $(this.settings.tpl.preview); this.preview.insertAfter(this.input); if (this.isDisabled === false && this.settings.showRemove === true) { this.clearButton = $(this.settings.tpl.clearButton); this.clearButton.insertAfter(this.input); this.clearButton.on('click', this.clearElement); } this.filenameWrapper = $(this.settings.tpl.filename); this.filenameWrapper.prependTo(this.preview.find('.dropify-infos-inner')); if (this.settings.showErrors === true) { this.errorsContainer = $(this.settings.tpl.errorsContainer); if (this.settings.errorsPosition === 'outside') { this.errorsContainer.insertAfter(this.wrapper); } else { this.errorsContainer.insertBefore(this.input); } } var defaultFile = this.settings.defaultFile || ''; if (defaultFile.trim() !== '') { = this.cleanFilename(defaultFile); this.setPreview(this.isImage(), defaultFile); } }; /** * Read the file using FileReader * * @param {Object} input */ Dropify.prototype.readFile = function(input) { if (input.files && input.files[0]) { var reader = new FileReader(); var image = new Image(); var file = input.files[0]; var srcBase64 = null; var _this = this; var eventFileReady = $.Event("dropify.fileReady"); this.clearErrors(); this.showLoader(); this.setFileInformations(file); this.errorsEvent.errors = []; this.checkFileSize(); this.isFileExtensionAllowed(); if (this.isImage() && this.file.size < this.sizeToByte(this.settings.maxFileSizePreview)) { this.input.on('dropify.fileReady', this.onFileReady); reader.readAsDataURL(file); reader.onload = function(_file) { srcBase64 =; image.src =; image.onload = function() { _this.setFileDimensions(this.width, this.height); _this.validateImage(); _this.input.trigger(eventFileReady, [true, srcBase64]); }; }.bind(this); } else { this.onFileReady(false); } } }; /** * On file ready to show * * @param {Event} event * @param {Bool} previewable * @param {String} src */ Dropify.prototype.onFileReady = function(event, previewable, src) {'dropify.fileReady', this.onFileReady); if (this.errorsEvent.errors.length === 0) { this.setPreview(previewable, src); } else { this.input.trigger(this.errorsEvent, [this]); for (var i = this.errorsEvent.errors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var errorNamespace = this.errorsEvent.errors[i].namespace; var errorKey = errorNamespace.split('.').pop(); this.showError(errorKey); } if (typeof this.errorsContainer !== "undefined") { this.errorsContainer.addClass('visible'); var errorsContainer = this.errorsContainer; setTimeout(function(){ errorsContainer.removeClass('visible'); }, this.settings.errorTimeout); } this.wrapper.addClass('has-error'); this.resetPreview(); this.clearElement(); } }; /** * Set file informations * * @param {File} file */ Dropify.prototype.setFileInformations = function(file) { this.file.object = file; =; this.file.size = file.size; this.file.type = file.type; this.file.width = null; this.file.height = null; }; /** * Set file dimensions * * @param {Int} width * @param {Int} height */ Dropify.prototype.setFileDimensions = function(width, height) { this.file.width = width; this.file.height = height; }; /** * Set the preview and animate it * * @param {String} src */ Dropify.prototype.setPreview = function(previewable, src) { this.wrapper.removeClass('has-error').addClass('has-preview'); this.filenameWrapper.children('.dropify-filename-inner').html(; var render = this.preview.children('.dropify-render'); this.hideLoader(); if (previewable === true) { var imgTag = $('<img />').attr('src', src); if (this.settings.height) { imgTag.css("max-height", this.settings.height); } imgTag.appendTo(render); } else { $('<i />').attr('class', 'dropify-font-file').appendTo(render); $('<span class="dropify-extension" />').html(this.getFileType()).appendTo(render); } this.preview.fadeIn(); }; /** * Reset the preview */ Dropify.prototype.resetPreview = function() { this.wrapper.removeClass('has-preview'); var render = this.preview.children('.dropify-render'); render.find('.dropify-extension').remove(); render.find('i').remove(); render.find('img').remove(); this.preview.hide(); this.hideLoader(); }; /** * Clean the src and get the filename * * @param {String} src * * @return {String} filename */ Dropify.prototype.cleanFilename = function(src) { var filename = src.split('\\').pop(); if (filename == src) { filename = src.split('/').pop(); } return src !== "" ? filename : ''; }; /** * Clear the element, events are available */ Dropify.prototype.clearElement = function() { if (this.errorsEvent.errors.length === 0) { var eventBefore = $.Event("dropify.beforeClear"); this.input.trigger(eventBefore, [this]); if (eventBefore.result !== false) { this.resetFile(); this.input.val(''); this.resetPreview(); this.input.trigger($.Event("dropify.afterClear"), [this]); } } else { this.resetFile(); this.input.val(''); this.resetPreview(); } }; /** * Reset file informations */ Dropify.prototype.resetFile = function() { this.file.object = null; = null; this.file.size = null; this.file.type = null; this.file.width = null; this.file.height = null; }; /** * Set the container height */ Dropify.prototype.setContainerSize = function() { if (this.settings.height) { this.wrapper.height(this.settings.height); } }; /** * Test if it's touch screen * * @return {Boolean} */ Dropify.prototype.isTouchDevice = function() { return (('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.MaxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0)); }; /** * Get the file type. * * @return {String} */ Dropify.prototype.getFileType = function() { return'.').pop().toLowerCase(); }; /** * Test if the file is an image * * @return {Boolean} */ Dropify.prototype.isImage = function() { if (this.settings.imgFileExtensions.indexOf(this.getFileType()) != "-1") { return true; } return false; }; /** * Test if the file extension is allowed * * @return {Boolean} */ Dropify.prototype.isFileExtensionAllowed = function () { if (this.settings.allowedFileExtensions.indexOf('*') != "-1" ||  this.settings.allowedFileExtensions.indexOf(this.getFileType()) != "-1") { return true; } this.pushError("fileExtension"); return false; }; /** * Translate messages if needed. */ Dropify.prototype.translateMessages = function() { for (var name in this.settings.tpl) { for (var key in this.settings.messages) { this.settings.tpl[name] = this.settings.tpl[name].replace('{{ ' + key + ' }}', this.settings.messages[key]); } } }; /** * Check the limit filesize. */ Dropify.prototype.checkFileSize = function() { if (this.sizeToByte(this.settings.maxFileSize) !== 0 && this.file.size > this.sizeToByte(this.settings.maxFileSize)) { this.pushError("fileSize"); } }; /** * Convert filesize to byte. * * @return {Int} value */ Dropify.prototype.sizeToByte = function(size) { var value = 0; if (size !== 0) { var unit = size.slice(-1).toUpperCase(), kb = 1024, mb = kb * 1024, gb = mb * 1024; if (unit === 'K') { value = parseFloat(size) * kb; } else if (unit === 'M') { value = parseFloat(size) * mb; } else if (unit === 'G') { value = parseFloat(size) * gb; } } return value; }; /** * Validate image dimensions and format */ Dropify.prototype.validateImage = function() { if (this.settings.minWidth !== 0 && this.settings.minWidth >= this.file.width) { this.pushError("minWidth"); } if (this.settings.maxWidth !== 0 && this.settings.maxWidth <= this.file.width) { this.pushError("maxWidth"); } if (this.settings.minHeight !== 0 && this.settings.minHeight >= this.file.height) { this.pushError("minHeight"); } if (this.settings.maxHeight !== 0 && this.settings.maxHeight <= this.file.height) { this.pushError("maxHeight"); } if (this.settings.allowedFormats.indexOf(this.getImageFormat()) == "-1") { this.pushError("imageFormat"); } }; /** * Get image format. * * @return {String} */ Dropify.prototype.getImageFormat = function() { if (this.file.width == this.file.height) { return "square"; } if (this.file.width < this.file.height) { return "portrait"; } if (this.file.width > this.file.height) { return "landscape"; } }; /** * Push error * * @param {String} errorKey */ Dropify.prototype.pushError = function(errorKey) { var e = $.Event("dropify.error." + errorKey); this.errorsEvent.errors.push(e); this.input.trigger(e, [this]); }; /** * Clear errors */ Dropify.prototype.clearErrors = function() { if (typeof this.errorsContainer !== "undefined") { this.errorsContainer.children('ul').html(''); } }; /** * Show error in DOM * * @param {String} errorKey */ Dropify.prototype.showError = function(errorKey) { if (typeof this.errorsContainer !== "undefined") { this.errorsContainer.children('ul').append('<li>' + this.getError(errorKey) + '</li>'); } }; /** * Get error message * * @return {String} message */ Dropify.prototype.getError = function(errorKey) { var error = this.settings.error[errorKey], value = ''; if (errorKey === 'fileSize') { value = this.settings.maxFileSize; } else if (errorKey === 'minWidth') { value = this.settings.minWidth; } else if (errorKey === 'maxWidth') { value = this.settings.maxWidth; } else if (errorKey === 'minHeight') { value = this.settings.minHeight; } else if (errorKey === 'maxHeight') { value = this.settings.maxHeight; } else if (errorKey === 'imageFormat') { value = this.settings.allowedFormats.join(', '); } else if (errorKey === 'fileExtension') { value = this.settings.allowedFileExtensions.join(', '); } if (value !== '') { return error.replace('{{ value }}', value); } return error; }; /** * Show the loader */ Dropify.prototype.showLoader = function() { if (typeof this.loader !== "undefined") {; } }; /** * Hide the loader */ Dropify.prototype.hideLoader = function() { if (typeof this.loader !== "undefined") { this.loader.hide(); } }; /** * Destroy dropify */ Dropify.prototype.destroy = function() { this.input.siblings().remove(); this.input.unwrap(); this.isInit = false; }; /** * Init dropify */ Dropify.prototype.init = function() { this.createElements(); }; /** * Test if element is init */ Dropify.prototype.isDropified = function() { return this.isInit; }; $.fn[pluginName] = function(options) { this.each(function() { if (!$.data(this, pluginName)) { $.data(this, pluginName, new Dropify(this, options)); } }); return this; }; return Dropify; }));