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  Classes of Jose Maria Rodriguez Millan  >  Siviglia Templating  >  docs.php  >  Download  
File: docs.php
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Getting Started
Class: Siviglia Templating
Template engine that uses PHP as template language
Author: By
Last change: Added contact information
Date: 2010-07-16 01:12
Size: 15,437 bytes


Class file image Download
        <style type="text/css">
        .example {
            border:1px solid #E0E0E0;
         h1 {border-bottom:1px solid black}
        .template, .usedWidgets, .result,.generated {
            border:1px solid black;
        .result,.generated {
            border:1px solid black;
        .resultCode {padding:10px}
            border:1px solid black
        p {
        .widget p {background-color:#C0C0C0}
        .firstRow , .secondRow {clear:both}
        .comment {margin-bottom:20px}

        .bolder,.bolder2 {font-size:14px;font-weight:bolder;}
        .bolder {color:blue}
        .bolder2 {color:red}
 <h1>Siviglia Templating System</h1>

 The Siviglia Templating System is the template engine used by the Siviglia Framework (work in process).
 It was designed with the following goals in mind:
     <li><b>Intuitive</b>: It's syntax should be very intuitive.It should be usable without technical  knowledge (specially, for content creators)</li>
     <li><b>Reusable</b>: Templates should be composed of smaller bits ("widgets") ,which, in turn may be composed of other widgets.Those widgets may be reusable.</li> 
     <li><b>No need for "templating languages"</b>: Templates and widgets may use php freely, without needing of special template languages.</li>
     <li><b>Different levels of abstraction</b>: From the website structure, to the smallest boxes, should be expressed by templates.</li>
     <li><b>Cacheable</b>: Templates should generate code, which may be cached</li>
     <li><b>Output depending on platform</b>:Given a template, and using different widget resolution paths,code for different platforms may be generated.</li>
 <div class="example">
     <h1>Sample usage</h1>
     Using the engine is easy.You'll need at least one directory to store widgets.You'll see how to code those widgets in the examples below.<br>
     To include and initialize the engine, use the following code:
     <div class="template">

              $o=new CTemplateParser();
              $st=& $o->solveTemplate("[_B]Hello World[/B]");
              // Here you get the code generated by the engine

              // To use it right away, just eval it.
     <div style="clear:both">
     The <b>CTemplateParser</b> constructor accepts two parameters:
         <li>An additional array of paths for widget resolution (with higher priority than the default paths)</li> 
         <li>An array of paths to be used as the default widget resolution paths</li>
     The <b>solveTemplate</b> method accepts a template as a string, and returns a CTemplate object, which can 
     be converted to actual code using the <b>nodesToText</b> method.<br>
     Usually, the string given to solveTemplate has been read from a file (or database), and the code generated by nodesToText is stored in a cache file.

     So, including and using the class is simple.Lets look now how to write templates and widgets.<br><br>


  function boldify($cad)
      $cad=preg_replace('/(\\[(?:_|\/)[^\\]]*\\])/','<b class="bolder">\1</b>',$cad);
      return preg_replace('/(\\[\:(?:_|\/)[^\\]]*\\])/','<b class="bolder2">\1</b>',$cad);
             "title"=>"Simple Template and Widget",
             "comment"=>"Let's begin with a simple example.<br>The template is:<br><br><b>[_B]</b>Hello World<b>[/B]</b><br><br>This is a simple template, using a simple widget.The widget name is <b>\"B\"</b>, and will set to bold its contents.<br>
                        This means the templating system will look for a file named \"B.html\", located in the 'widgets' folder.<br><br>
                        The widget file only contains:<br><br>
                        The tag [_*], means 'whatever the template contained within this tag'.The tag, in this case, is B.The upper-level tag for any widget, is its file name (without extension).<br>
             "title"=>"Simple template-side composition",
             "comment"=>"Template side composition means you can use multiple widgets in the same template.<br>
                         The widgets can be used sequentially, or nested, as the contents of any tag is always re-evaluated looking for nested widgets.<br>
                         This template uses 2 nested widgets, B and I.You can see how the output from the widgets are combined.",
             "title"=>"Widgets with nested subtags",
             "comment"=>"A widget can have any number of nested tags.In this case, the template will have to use those tags following the structure the widget dictates.<br>
                         The important thing here is that, once the template uses a widget, the output will be controlled by the <b>widget</b>.<br><br>
                         Let's see an example, which will help to intuitively understand how it works:<br>",
                         There are a few things to understand about nested tags.<br>
                            <li>All nested tags are optional.<br>The templating system will not force the presence of any nested tag.<br>In the previous example, nothing prevents the use of a <b>FLOATBOX</b> not containing any <b>[_TITLE]</b> subtag.<br></li>
                            <li>The same tag can appear multiple times in the widget.Each apparition of a tag in a template, is replaced in the widget in every place the tag is used (given they're at the same depth level)</li>
                            <li>Any tag that includes nested tags, cant use <b>[_*]</b>.If a tag has subtags, its content is constructed by the output of its subtags.<br>This means, in the previous example, that <b>FLOATBOX</b> cant have a <b>[_*]</b> tag, that it's not inside <b>TITLE</b> or <b>CONTENTS</b></li>
                            <li>Then, any content in the template under the scope of a tag, which has subtags, will not be processed by the widget.<br>This means, if the template uses a <b>FLOATBOX</b>, all the text that it's not inside the subtags <b>[_TITLE]</b> or <b>[_CONTENTS]</b>, will be lost when code is generated.</li>
                            <li>There are no restrictions in the number of times a certain sub-tag can appear in a template.<br>The associated code in the widget will be repeated as many times as the subtag appears in the template<br>This means that if a template uses 2 <b>[_TITLE]</b> tags inside a widget instance,the associated code in the widget file will be included twice.</li>
                            <li>In a template, the code generated for a widget is driven by the <b>widget</b> structure, not the template structure.<br>
                                This means that doesnt matter if the template specifies <b>[_CONTENTS]</b> before <b>[_TITLE]</b>.As the widget drives its code generation, the title will still appear first.</li>
                            <li>A widget can specify nested tags in two ways:
                                    <li> Simply by its name : <b>[_TITLE]</b>, without closing tag.<br>
                                         In this case, the contents of this tag in the template, will be inserted there.<br>
                                         If there's no <b>[_TITLE]</b> tag in the template, nothing will be shown.</li>
                                    <li> Using closing tag and (optionally), <b>[_*]</b><br>
                                         For example, <b>[_TITLE][_*][/TITLE]</b>.<br>
                                         The <b>[_*]</b> tag will be replaced by the content specified in the template inside the [_TITLE] tag.
                                Whats the difference between the two?<br>
                                Consider the following cases:<br><br>
                                Case 1: &lt;div&gt;[_TITLE]&lt;/div&gt;<br><br>
                                Case 2: [_TITLE]&lt;div&gt;[_*]&lt;/div&gt;[/TITLE]<br><br>
                                In the first case, the div will be included in the generated code, even if the template didnt specified any <b>[_TITLE]</b> tag.<br><br>
                                In the second case, the div will only appear if there was a <b>[_TITLE]</b> tag in the template, acting like a condition.<br><br>

                            <li>You can nest tags as much as you wish, and the template must use the same nesting structure</li>

             "title"=>"Nested subtags and nested widgets",
             "comment"=>"You can seamlessly use new widgets inside terminal subtags of a parent widget.<br>Notice that nested subtags always have precendence.<br>
                        So, if a <b>FLOATBOX</b> widget has a <b>TITLE</b> nested tag, that tag will be used, even if there's another independent widget with the name <b>TITLE</b> (inside a TITLE.html file)<br>",
             "title"=>"Widget-side composition",
             "comment"=>"A very powerful feature is the ability of use widgets within widgets.<br>
                         To do this, just prepend <b>:</b> around nested widgets tags.<br><br>
                        In this way, widgets can be reused, stack different abstraction levels, and create very different outputs playing with widget inclusion paths.<br>
                        You can also see the recommended way of creating loops to repeat widget sub-tags, using <b>PRE</b> and <b>POST</b> dummy tags.<br>
                        Remember that, if a widget has nested tags, any code outside those tags in the template will be lost!<br>
                        To understand this, see how the html comment is lost in the following example generated code.<br><br>
                        You can see too how using <b>[_PRE]</b> is equivalent to using <b>[_PRE][_*][/PRE]</b>",
             "title"=>"PHP context resolution",
             "comment"=>"One of the most powerful features of the Siviglia Templating system is resolution of php contexts, so PHP and HTML code can be safely mixed.<br>
                        The previous examples used just static values for tag values.But it'll be usual that you may need pass php variables, even php code, to certain tags.<br>
                        On the other hand, the widgets may need to use certain tags inside PHP code, for example, to initialize variables.<br
                        The templating system analyzes the code across the multiple template-side and widget-side nesting, and builds a new PHP code resolving the different contexts where tags are used within the templates and widgets.<br>
                        In the following example, look the few different ways the template is specifying the widget tag value, and the different ways the widget uses that tag.<br>
                        In the widget, you can also see how the same tag is used in different places in the same widget",
             "postcomment"=>"In the previous example, you can see an important consecuence of having both template and widget-side nesting:<br><h3><b>All php used in the template and all widgets, is executed within the same scope</b></h3>.<br>
                             That means the chance of name clashing is high!All names used within widgets should be properly prefixed to avoid name clashing, specially for loop counters.",

  $o=new CTemplateParser('',getcwd()."/widgets");
      echo '<div class="example"><h1>'.$current["title"].'</h1>';
      echo '<div class="comment">'.$current["comment"].'</div>';
      echo '<div class="firstRow">';
      echo '<div class="template"><p>Template code</p>';
      echo '<div class="templateCode"><pre>'.boldify(htmlentities($content)).'</pre></div>';
      echo '</div>';

      $st=& $o->solveTemplate($content);

            echo '<div class="usedWidgets"><p>Used widgets</p>';
          echo '<div class="widget"><p>'.$current["widgets"][$j].' (File: widgets/'.$current["widgets"][$j].'.html)</p>';
          echo '<div class="widgetCode"><pre>';
          echo boldify(htmlentities(file_get_contents("widgets/".$current["widgets"][$j].".html")));
          echo '</pre></div></div>';
      echo "</div>";
      echo "</div>";
      echo '<div class="secondRow">';

      echo '<div class="result"><p>Result</p>';
      echo '<div class="resultCode">';
      echo '</div></div>';

      echo '<div class="generated"><p>Generated code</p>';
      echo '<div class="generatedCode"><pre>'.htmlentities($code).'</pre></div>';
      echo '</div></div>';
      echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
          echo '<div class="postcomment">'.$current["postcomment"].'</div>';
      echo '</div>';




Send any comments, bug reports, feature requests to <a href="mailto:dashiad@gmail.com">dashiad@gmail.com</a><br><br>
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