if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
echo "<pre>";
$strings = array(
1 => 'Weather today is rubbish',
2 => 'This cake looks amazing',
3 => 'His skills are mediocre',
4 => 'He is very talented',
5 => 'She is seemingly very agressive',
6 => 'Marie was enthusiastic about the upcoming trip. Her brother was also passionate about her leaving - he would finally have the house for himself.',
7 => 'To be or not to be?',
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
$sentiment = new \PHPInsight\Sentiment();
foreach ($strings as $string) {
// calculations:
$scores = $sentiment->score($string);
$class = $sentiment->categorise($string);
// output:
echo "String: $string\n";
echo "Dominant: $class, scores: ";
echo "\n";