//ImageEdit Class Example
require "ImageEdit.class.php";
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); //tell the browser that it's jpg
$img = new ImageEdit("Desert.jpg");
$img->resize(400); //resize the image to certain Width, hold the ratio
$img->watermark("wm2.png", -1, -1, 150);
//make a water mark, position: 1px, 1px from the right bottom corner
//resize the water mark to certain width, hold the ratio
$img->effect("EDGEDETECT"); //add a effect
$img->effect("BLUR"); //add a effect
//Note that the order of watermark and effect will cause different results
//*You can modify the image resource directly using $img->image
$img->output("JPG", NULL, 50); //output directly to the browser, reduce the quality to 50%