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File: front/js/w3.js

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File: front/js/w3.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Payment Management System
Web application to manage company payments
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/* W3.JS 1.04 April 2019 by */ "use strict"; var w3 = {}; w3.hide = function (sel) { w3.hideElements(w3.getElements(sel)); }; w3.hideElements = function (elements) { var i, l = elements.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { w3.hideElement(elements[i]); } }; w3.hideElement = function (element) { w3.styleElement(element, "display", "none"); }; = function (sel, a) { var elements = w3.getElements(sel); if (a) {w3.hideElements(elements);} w3.showElements(elements); }; w3.showElements = function (elements) { var i, l = elements.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { w3.showElement(elements[i]); } }; w3.showElement = function (element) { w3.styleElement(element, "display", "block"); }; w3.addStyle = function (sel, prop, val) { w3.styleElements(w3.getElements(sel), prop, val); }; w3.styleElements = function (elements, prop, val) { var i, l = elements.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { w3.styleElement(elements[i], prop, val); } }; w3.styleElement = function (element, prop, val) {, val); }; w3.toggleShow = function (sel) { var i, x = w3.getElements(sel), l = x.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (x[i].style.display == "none") { w3.styleElement(x[i], "display", "block"); } else { w3.styleElement(x[i], "display", "none"); } } }; w3.addClass = function (sel, name) { w3.addClassElements(w3.getElements(sel), name); }; w3.addClassElements = function (elements, name) { var i, l = elements.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { w3.addClassElement(elements[i], name); } }; w3.addClassElement = function (element, name) { var i, arr1, arr2; arr1 = element.className.split(" "); arr2 = name.split(" "); for (i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) { if (arr1.indexOf(arr2[i]) == -1) {element.className += " " + arr2[i];} } }; w3.removeClass = function (sel, name) { w3.removeClassElements(w3.getElements(sel), name); }; w3.removeClassElements = function (elements, name) { var i, l = elements.length, arr1, arr2, j; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { w3.removeClassElement(elements[i], name); } }; w3.removeClassElement = function (element, name) { var i, arr1, arr2; arr1 = element.className.split(" "); arr2 = name.split(" "); for (i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) { while (arr1.indexOf(arr2[i]) > -1) { arr1.splice(arr1.indexOf(arr2[i]), 1); } } element.className = arr1.join(" "); }; w3.toggleClass = function (sel, c1, c2) { w3.toggleClassElements(w3.getElements(sel), c1, c2); }; w3.toggleClassElements = function (elements, c1, c2) { var i, l = elements.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { w3.toggleClassElement(elements[i], c1, c2); } }; w3.toggleClassElement = function (element, c1, c2) { var t1, t2, t1Arr, t2Arr, j, arr, allPresent; t1 = (c1 || ""); t2 = (c2 || ""); t1Arr = t1.split(" "); t2Arr = t2.split(" "); arr = element.className.split(" "); if (t2Arr.length == 0) { allPresent = true; for (j = 0; j < t1Arr.length; j++) { if (arr.indexOf(t1Arr[j]) == -1) {allPresent = false;} } if (allPresent) { w3.removeClassElement(element, t1); } else { w3.addClassElement(element, t1); } } else { allPresent = true; for (j = 0; j < t1Arr.length; j++) { if (arr.indexOf(t1Arr[j]) == -1) {allPresent = false;} } if (allPresent) { w3.removeClassElement(element, t1); w3.addClassElement(element, t2); } else { w3.removeClassElement(element, t2); w3.addClassElement(element, t1); } } }; w3.getElements = function (id) { if (typeof id == "object") { return [id]; } else { return document.querySelectorAll(id); } }; w3.filterHTML = function(id, sel, filter) { var a, b, c, i, ii, iii, hit; a = w3.getElements(id); for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { b = a[i].querySelectorAll(sel); for (ii = 0; ii < b.length; ii++) { hit = 0; if (b[ii].innerText.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter.toUpperCase()) > -1) { hit = 1; } c = b[ii].getElementsByTagName("*"); for (iii = 0; iii < c.length; iii++) { if (c[iii].innerText.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter.toUpperCase()) > -1) { hit = 1; } } if (hit == 1) { b[ii].style.display = ""; } else { b[ii].style.display = "none"; } } } }; w3.sortHTML = function(id, sel, sortvalue) { var a, b, i, ii, y, bytt, v1, v2, cc, j; a = w3.getElements(id); for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { cc = 0; y = 1; while (y == 1) { y = 0; b = a[i].querySelectorAll(sel); for (ii = 0; ii < (b.length - 1); ii++) { bytt = 0; if (sortvalue) { v1 = b[ii].querySelector(sortvalue).innerText; v2 = b[ii + 1].querySelector(sortvalue).innerText; } else { v1 = b[ii].innerText; v2 = b[ii + 1].innerText; } v1 = v1.toLowerCase(); v2 = v2.toLowerCase(); if ((j == 0 && (v1 > v2)) || (j == 1 && (v1 < v2))) { bytt = 1; break; } } if (bytt == 1) { b[ii].parentNode.insertBefore(b[ii + 1], b[ii]); y = 1; cc++; } } if (cc > 0) {break;} } } }; w3.slideshow = function (sel, ms, func) { var i, ss, x = w3.getElements(sel), l = x.length; ss = {}; ss.current = 1; ss.x = x; ss.ondisplaychange = func; if (!isNaN(ms) || ms == 0) { ss.milliseconds = ms; } else { ss.milliseconds = 1000; } ss.start = function() { ss.display(ss.current) if (ss.ondisplaychange) {ss.ondisplaychange();} if (ss.milliseconds > 0) { window.clearTimeout(ss.timeout); ss.timeout = window.setTimeout(, ss.milliseconds); } }; = function() { ss.current += 1; if (ss.current > ss.x.length) {ss.current = 1;} ss.start(); }; ss.previous = function() { ss.current -= 1; if (ss.current < 1) {ss.current = ss.x.length;} ss.start(); }; ss.display = function (n) { w3.styleElements(ss.x, "display", "none"); w3.styleElement(ss.x[n - 1], "display", "block"); } ss.start(); return ss; }; w3.includeHTML = function(cb) { var z, i, elmnt, file, xhttp; z = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (i = 0; i < z.length; i++) { elmnt = z[i]; file = elmnt.getAttribute("w3-include-html"); if (file) { xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4) { if (this.status == 200) {elmnt.innerHTML = this.responseText;} if (this.status == 404) {elmnt.innerHTML = "Page not found.";} elmnt.removeAttribute("w3-include-html"); w3.includeHTML(cb); } }"GET", file, true); xhttp.send(); return; } } if (cb) cb(); }; w3.getHttpData = function (file, func) { w3.http(file, function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { func(this.responseText); } }); }; w3.getHttpObject = function (file, func) { w3.http(file, function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { func(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } }); }; w3.displayHttp = function (id, file) { w3.http(file, function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { w3.displayObject(id, JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } }); }; w3.http = function (target, readyfunc, xml, method) { var httpObj; if (!method) {method = "GET"; } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { httpObj = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { httpObj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } if (httpObj) { if (readyfunc) {httpObj.onreadystatechange = readyfunc;}, target, true); httpObj.send(xml); } }; w3.getElementsByAttribute = function (x, att) { var arr = [], arrCount = -1, i, l, y = x.getElementsByTagName("*"), z = att.toUpperCase(); l = y.length; for (i = -1; i < l; i += 1) { if (i == -1) {y[i] = x;} if (y[i].getAttribute(z) !== null) {arrCount += 1; arr[arrCount] = y[i];} } return arr; }; w3.dataObject = {}, w3.displayObject = function (id, data) { var htmlObj, htmlTemplate, html, arr = [], a, l, rowClone, x, j, i, ii, cc, repeat, repeatObj, repeatX = ""; htmlObj = document.getElementById(id); htmlTemplate = init_template(id, htmlObj); html = htmlTemplate.cloneNode(true); arr = w3.getElementsByAttribute(html, "w3-repeat"); l = arr.length; for (j = (l - 1); j >= 0; j -= 1) { cc = arr[j].getAttribute("w3-repeat").split(" "); if (cc.length == 1) { repeat = cc[0]; } else { repeatX = cc[0]; repeat = cc[2]; } arr[j].removeAttribute("w3-repeat"); repeatObj = data[repeat]; if (repeatObj && typeof repeatObj == "object" && repeatObj.length != "undefined") { i = 0; for (x in repeatObj) { i += 1; rowClone = arr[j]; rowClone = w3_replace_curly(rowClone, "element", repeatX, repeatObj[x]); a = rowClone.attributes; for (ii = 0; ii < a.length; ii += 1) { a[ii].value = w3_replace_curly(a[ii], "attribute", repeatX, repeatObj[x]).value; } (i === repeatObj.length) ? arr[j].parentNode.replaceChild(rowClone, arr[j]) : arr[j].parentNode.insertBefore(rowClone, arr[j]); } } else { console.log("w3-repeat must be an array. " + repeat + " is not an array."); continue; } } html = w3_replace_curly(html, "element"); htmlObj.parentNode.replaceChild(html, htmlObj); function init_template(id, obj) { var template; template = obj.cloneNode(true); if (w3.dataObject.hasOwnProperty(id)) {return w3.dataObject[id];} w3.dataObject[id] = template; return template; } function w3_replace_curly(elmnt, typ, repeatX, x) { var value, rowClone, pos1, pos2, originalHTML, lookFor, lookForARR = [], i, cc, r; rowClone = elmnt.cloneNode(true); pos1 = 0; while (pos1 > -1) { originalHTML = (typ == "attribute") ? rowClone.value : rowClone.innerHTML; pos1 = originalHTML.indexOf("{{", pos1); if (pos1 === -1) {break;} pos2 = originalHTML.indexOf("}}", pos1 + 1); lookFor = originalHTML.substring(pos1 + 2, pos2); lookForARR = lookFor.split("||"); value = undefined; for (i = 0; i < lookForARR.length; i += 1) { lookForARR[i] = lookForARR[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm, ''); //trim if (x) {value = x[lookForARR[i]];} if (value == undefined && data) {value = data[lookForARR[i]];} if (value == undefined) { cc = lookForARR[i].split("."); if (cc[0] == repeatX) {value = x[cc[1]]; } } if (value == undefined) { if (lookForARR[i] == repeatX) {value = x;} } if (value == undefined) { if (lookForARR[i].substr(0, 1) == '"') { value = lookForARR[i].replace(/"/g, ""); } else if (lookForARR[i].substr(0,1) == "'") { value = lookForARR[i].replace(/'/g, ""); } } if (value != undefined) {break;} } if (value != undefined) { r = "{{" + lookFor + "}}"; if (typ == "attribute") { rowClone.value = rowClone.value.replace(r, value); } else { w3_replace_html(rowClone, r, value); } } pos1 = pos1 + 1; } return rowClone; } function w3_replace_html(a, r, result) { var b, l, i, a, x, j; if (a.hasAttributes()) { b = a.attributes; l = b.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { if (b[i].value.indexOf(r) > -1) {b[i].value = b[i].value.replace(r, result);} } } x = a.getElementsByTagName("*"); l = x.length; a.innerHTML = a.innerHTML.replace(r, result); } };