"min"=>"must be a minimum of",
"max"=>"must be a maximum of",
"matches"=>"must match",
"number"=>"must be a number",
"email"=>"invalid email address",
"url"=>"invalid url",
"file"=>"should be a file",
"unique"=>"already exist."
"error_input"=> "Input Error",
"no_information"=>"your infos is not correct, try again",
"error_operation_Save"=>"error while try to save",
"error_operation_Update"=>"error while try to update",
"error_operation_delete"=>"error while try to delete",
"no_data"=>"No data found",
"page_error"=>"Opation impossible",
"error_param"=>"information is not correct",
"error_data"=>"error on datatype",
"success_save"=>"Register with success",
"success_update"=>"Update with success",
"success_delete"=>"Delete with success",
"found"=>"Result found",
"success_operation"=>"Operation Success"