* allow configuration are store in this file
* for database and and the connection
* they declare as global tho to have full acces where ever in the project
// load configguration
$ini_array =(object) parse_ini_file("./config/config.ini", true);
$db_conf= (object)$ini_array->db_conf;
// database configuration setup
define("HOST", $db_conf->host);
define("DATABASE", $db_conf->database);
define("USER", $db_conf->user);
define("PASSWORD", $db_conf->password);
// inlude language file according to your configuraiton
include("./lang/" . checkFileExtension(LANG));
define("LANG_VALIDATE", $validation);
define("LANG_BOX_MESSAGE", $boxMessage);
//web root configaration
define('WEB_ROOT', str_replace('index.php', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
define('ROOT', str_replace('index.php', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));