* todos in order of importance:
* 0. composer.json. MyApp is one project and Core is the framework. Both projects should be separated
* 1. ajax security
* 2. dependency injection -> symfony(ok i know i don't want to use frameworks)
* 3. postEngine -> when we have dependency injection
* 4. autoloader -> register namespaces
* 5. extract viewModel concern from View
* 6. handle subviews, property to say its a subview and not let app be rendered directly
* just as a subcall
* 7. posts and comments templates share a lot of functionalities, boths templates should extend
* from a generic one
* 8. model should be comunicated from backend to js.
* 9. And on js there should be an mvc architecture. at the moment it's everything mixed on class
* ajaxMaster. this is not good
* 10. most browsers implement json_parse functionality. for the others i should use some library
* to add this functionality
* 11. use less for css
* 12. avoid double submitting of addpost form
* 13. email obfuscator
* 14. validation errors near to the field with error, at the moment, all messages
* error and success are beign displayed on the pot. having several comments, the user
* will not see the messages.
* 15. on every new comment i'm updating all the posts and comments. we should just update this comment
use Ffs\Ffs\Request\HttpRequest;
use Ffs\Ffs\Response\HttpResponse;
use Ffs\Ffs\Application\ApplicationFactory;
use Ffs\Ffs\Application\Config\WebConfig;
require '../src/Ffs/Autoloader.php';
try {
$autoloader = new \Ffs\Autoloader();
$responseHandler = new HttpResponse();
$applicationFactory = new ApplicationFactory(
new WebConfig(), $responseHandler, ApplicationFactory::VAL_WEB_ENVIRONMENT,
$autoloader->getAppDir(), 'Ffs\Ffs', 'Ffs\MyApp', 'MyApp'
$myWebApplication = $applicationFactory->create();
$myWebApplication->run(new HttpRequest());
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();