debug.inc.php -- debugging class for PHP
debug (
$halt = "NO" | "yes"
$show = "BOTH" | "file" | "screen" | "off"
debug->report ($message, __LINE__, __FILE__, {$var_name, $var_value}...);
(c) Copyleft 2000 eBoing, Inc.
David Phillips
$Id: debug.inc.php,v 0.1 2000/10/08 01:13:00 $
class debug {
var $classname = "debug";
function debug ($logfile = "", $halt = "no", $show = "both") {
public: Constructor
logfile: optional file in which to record messages
halt: optional setting for halt action
= "NO" | "yes"
show: optional setting for where (and whether) to output debug->report calls
= "BOTH" | "file" | "screen" | "off"
$this->set_log ($logfile);
$this->set_halt ($halt);
$this->set_show ($show);
function set_log ($logfile) {
public: set_log (filename $logfile)
logfile: optional file for logging error messages
if (empty ($logfile)) {
$this->logfile = "";
} else {
$this->logfile = $logfile;
$f = fopen ($this->logfile, 'a'); // check whether we can use the file
if (!$f) {
printf ("<b>Debug:</b> unable to open %s as log file<br>\n", $this->logfile);
return false;
return true;
function set_halt ($halt = "no") {
public: set_halt (string $halt)
halt: optional setting for halt action
"no" => report error, continue; default
"yes" => report error, halt
$this->halt = strtolower ($halt);
function set_show ($show) {
public: set_show (string $show)
show: optional setting for where (and whether) to output debug->report calls
= "BOTH" | "file" | "screen" | "off"
$this->show = strtolower ($show);
function report ($msg = "", $line = "", $file = "") {
public: report ($msg, $line, $file, {$var_name, $var_value}...)
$msg: debug message to show
$line: optional line number (use __LINE__)
$file: optional executing file name (use __FILE__)
Optional repeating pairs {
static $debug_calls = 0; // track how many times we've been called
if ($this->show == "off") return;
$args = func_get_args (); // get an array of all the function arguments we were called with
$n_args = count ($args) - 1; // and a count of all but one (the message)
if ($this->show == "both" or $this->show == "screen") {
$s = "<p><hr>\n<b>Debug</b> $debug_calls: ";
$l = $line != "" ? "on line <b>$line</b>: " : "";
$f = $file != "" ? "in file <b>$file</b>, " : "";
echo "$s $f $l $msg <br>\n";
if ($n_args % 2) { // remaining arguments are unpaired (n/2 != 0)
echo " usage: \$debug->report (\$msg, \$line, \$file, {\$var, \$value}...)<br>\n";
} else { // paired arguments (n/2 = 0)
for ($i = 3; $i < $n_args; $i += 2) {
echo " \$$args[$i]: " . $args[$i + 1];
echo " ... (" . gettype ($args[$i + 1]) . ")<br>\n";
echo "<hr><p></p>\n";
} // show screen
if ($this->show == "both" or $this->show == "file") {
// Repeat for logfile output.
if (!empty ($this->logfile)) {
$fh = fopen ($this->logfile, 'a'); // append to log file
if ($fh) {
$s = "Debug $debug_calls: ";
$l = $line != "" ? "on line $line: " : "";
$f = $file != "" ? "in file $file, " : "";
fputs ($fh, "$s$f$l$msg\n");
if ($n_args % 2) {
fputs ($fh, " usage: \$debug->report (\$msg, \$line, \$file, {\$var, \$value}...)\n");
} else {
for ($i = 3; $i < $n_args; $i += 2) {
fputs ($fh, " \$$args[$i]: " . $args[$i + 1]);
fputs ($fh, " ... (" . gettype ($args[$i + 1]) . ")\n");
fclose ($fh);
} // logfile
} // show file
if ($this->halt == "yes") die ("<b>Halt</b>");
} // report
// Deprecated :)
function do_report ($msg, $var, $value = "") {
public, override: do_report ($msg)
msg: error message to show
var: variable name to show
value: variable value to show
printf ("<b>Debug:</b> %s<br>\n", $msg);
if (is_array ($var)) {
reset ($var);
while (list ($k, $v) = each ($var)) {
if (!empty ($k))
printf ("key: %s = value: %s<br>\n", $k, $v);
} else {
if (!empty ($var)) printf ("%s = %s<br>\n", $var, $value);
// Repeat for logfile output.
if (!empty ($this->logfile)) {
$f = fopen ($this->logfile, 'a'); // append to log file
if ($f) {
fputs ($f, $msg);
if (is_array ($var)) {
reset ($var);
while (list ($k, $v) = each ($var)) {
if (!empty ($k))
fputs ($f, "key: $k = value: $v<br>\n");
} else {
if (!empty ($var)) fputs ($f, "$var = $value<br>\n");
fclose ($f);
} // do_report
} // debug.inc.php
require "./include/debug.inc.php";
$dbg = new debug ("foo.txt");
$dbg->report ();
$dbg->report ("Zeroth message");
$dbg->report ("First message", __LINE__);
$dbg->report ("Second message", __LINE__, __FILE__);
$test = 55;
$dbg->report ("Third message", __LINE__, __FILE__, "test", $test);
$test = 66;
$test2 = $test / 2;
$dbg->report ("Fourth message", __LINE__, __FILE__, "test", $test, "test2", $test2);
$dbg->report ("Fifth message", __LINE__, __FILE__, "test", $test, "test2");
$dbg->set_show ("File");
$test3 = "Brillig";
$dbg->report ("Sixth message, show=file", __LINE__, __FILE__, "test3", $test3);
$dbg->set_show ("SCREEN");
$dbg->report ("Seventh message, show=screen");
$dbg->set_show ("off");
$dbg->report ("Eighth message, show=off");
$dbg->set_show ("both");
$dbg->report ("Nineth message, show=both");
$dbg->set_halt ("yes");
$dbg->report ("Tenth message, halt=yes");
$dbg->report ("Eleventh message");