//including the class file
//Initializing the controller
//Output buffer will be used to later on return the result in gzip
$ajax=new SmartAjaxController();
//If AJAX has submitted a serialized string to be parsed to variables.
//These variables can be used by $ajax->getVar funtion
//This is dependant on javascript front-end controller, used as an example
if(!empty($_POST) && isset($_POST['action'])){
//this assumes that action is defined by jQuery before being submitted to back-end
//This is the same example used in javascript file
case 'alertLowercaseString':
$ajax->setKey('message','Your string lowercased: '.strtolower($ajax->getVar('string')));
//If no action is found, execute frontend error callback
$ajax->setKey('message','This system action does not exist!');
} else {
//Since no action was defined or no post was used at all, we simply set the response to return errors to front-end
$ajax->setKey('message','This system action does not exist!');
//Here we return the result in gzipped JSON string
//This also sets proper headers to the file