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  Classes of Ahmed Saad   Simple PHP MVC Framework   Download  
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Class: Simple PHP MVC Framework
Developing Web applications using the MVC pattern
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PHP-Simple MVC Framework

> This is simple MVC PHP Framework May Be Suitable For Small And Medium projects According To Your Project Requirements, It Is REST API , Clean Uris, MVC Pattern, __View Templating__ And __Smart Response__ , And Other Features You Will Explore > > I'm a big Fan of Laravel Framework And Big Thanks To Taylor Otwell and Other Contributors For His Great Framework, So You Might Find here Some method names like in Laravel


>This Work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. > Link


>@author __Ahmed Saad__ <> 2012-2016


> 2.0.0


> Framework uses Clean URIs so it needs mod_rewrite apache module to be enabled


  1. MVC (Model, View And Controller) Pattern
  2. REST API for `CRUD` Operations
  3. Clean `URI`
  4. Gateway To Protect Uris
  5. Handle Validation, With Custom Validation Error Messages Very Useful If You need Error messages In Another Representation Or Language
  6. Smart Response, Useful For APIs and Json Response
  7. Handle Uploads And Inputs
  8. Controller Record Model Injection For Known Methods Like show, edit, delete, destroy, update, store
  9. SimpleDateTime Class For Dealing With dates
  10. Model Auto Casting, By Default `created_at` and `updated_at` Timestamps Attributes will be Auto casted For Any Model If you want to override this behaviour By adding fields or remove fields you can define protected property named `timestamps` ass array and type date fields that you want to be casted , And For Other fields Casting types You can Define Your casting from one of ( integer, boolean, array ) by adding protected array property called `casts` and add `[field => cast_type]`
  11. View Basic Templating Like `@extends`, `@include`, `@section @stop`, `@yield`, `{{ }}`, `{!! !!}` Template Loops @for @foreach and Conditions @if Currently Not Supported You Can Use Native
  12. Access to Old Inputs, Notiications, Validation Errors From View
  13. `Well Documented Library`
  14. And Many Other Features You Can Explore.
  15. Include Admin Area With Full User Management To Demonestrate How It Works


> __Directory Structure:__ > > >App > >>Config Application Configuration > > > >>Controllers Application Controllers > >>>Admin Admin Area Controllers > >> > >>Library Framework Core Library > >> > >>Model Application Models > >> > >>View Application Views > > > >assets Application Public Accisible Area > > - > __Configuration:__ App\Config\ > > database.php is to configure your database. > > > gateway.php is to configure Application Access For Specific Uris. > >> simpleDateTimeLocals.php to Specify Locals For SimpleDateTime Class. > > - > __Application Routes:__ > > >No Need To Define Routes Framework Will Automatically Analyze Request URI And Accordingly Will Try To Load Controller And Method If Found Ex: > >>> > >>>GET Request will Call IndexController::index() >>> Default Controller is IndexController > >> > >>>GET Request will Call TestController::index() >>> >>>POST Request Will Call TestController::store( Request $request ) > >> > >>> >>Second URI Part Is __Numeric__ >> >>>GET Request will Call TestController::show( Test $record_instance ) Note that Test Model Instance Will Be Injected Automatically, Model Name Is The Same AS Controller Name without _Controller_ Keyword >>> >>>PUT OR PATCH Request Will Call TestController::update( Test $record, Request $request ) >>> >>>DELETE Request Will Call TestController::destroy( Test $record, Request $request ) > >>- >>Second URI Part Is __String__ > >> Edit And delete Uris, Will Inject Model Instance Automatically >>> > >>>GET Request will Call TestController::edit( Test $record_instance ) > >> > >>>GET Request will Call TestController::delete( Test $record_instance ) > >> Other URIs >> >> >>>GET Request will Call TestController::methodName( $parameter1, $parameter2[, ..] ) >> >>> Other Request Methods ARE CUD So They Requires $parameter1 To Be ID of Controller Corresponding Model AND Other Parameters Are Ignored >> >>>post will Call TestController::postMethodName( Test $record, Request $request ) >>> >>>PUT OR 'PATCH will Call TestController::updateMethodName( Test $record, Request $request ) >>> >>>DELETE will Call TestController::deleteMethodName( Test $record, Request $request ) > > - >__For Admin Area:__ > >> >> >> /admin uri will be used to access admin area >> >> controllers will be loaded From admin directory inside controllers directory >> >> default admin controller is DashboardController is for /admin uri > >-- >__Note:__ > > When Framework It Automatically Inject Model For Controller Method It Will search for Model name That Have The same Name As Controller, So While Naming Controllers And Models Try To Match Both if in Singular Or Plural as you wish

How It Works:

there are Simple admin area included with framework ( You Can Improve Access Roles By Creating Your Database Roles And Permissions Table Structurs And Connect Them With Users, Then Add Checks In Gateway Configuration File ), with users management you can explore UserController and User Model and user views to see How It Works > create your database > > Set Database Configuration > >Import included Database ( _it is users table structure and data_ )