<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<head><title>Tag selection</title>
<style type='text/css'>
p , h2{font-family:Verdana,sans-serif;margin-top:12px;margin-bottom:2px}
<h2>Selecting some tags</h2>
<p>The following part of xhtml code has some <div> tags that are needed</p>
$source = "
<span class='uno'>Not selected</span>
<p>Neither selected</p>
<div>Select this <div>And also this</div></div>
print "<code>".nl2br(htmlentities($source))."</code>";
$myx = new xhtml_parte($source);
$divs = $myx->etiquetas(false,"div");
print "<p>This is a list of selected tags</p><ul>";
foreach($divs[0] as $dd){
print "\n<li>".htmlentities($dd)."</li>";
print "</ul>";
<p>But it may be needed tags that are not <div></p>
$nodivs = $myx->etiquetas(false,"!div");
print "<p>This is a list of selected tags</p><ul>";
foreach($nodivs[0] as $dd){
print "\n<li>".htmlentities($dd)."</li>";
print "</ul>";
<h2>Selecting some tags with attributes</h2>
<p>The following part of xhtml code has some tags width style attributes</p>
$source = "
<tr><td style='font-size:12'>12 size text</td><td>normal text</td></tr>
<tr><td>normal text</td><td style='text-decoration:underline'>Underlined text</td></tr>
print "<code>".nl2br(htmlentities($source))."</code>";
$myx = new xhtml_parte($source);
$divs = $myx->etiquetas(false,false,"style");
print "<p>This is a list of selected tags</p><ul>";
foreach($divs[0] as $dd){
print "\n<li>".htmlentities($dd)."</li>";
print "</ul>";
<h2>Getting a tag from a Id</h2>
<p>The following part of xhtml code has a tags that is needed, and its id is 'two'</p>
$source = "
<div id='one'>This is a layer</div>
<div id='two'>This is an other layer</div>
<div id='tree'>This is yet an other layer</div>";
print "<code>".nl2br(htmlentities($source))."</code>";
$myx = new xhtml_parte($source);
$divs = $myx->etiquetas(false,false,"id","two");
print "<p>This is a list of selected tags</p><ul>";
foreach($divs[0] as $dd){
print "\n<li>".htmlentities($dd)."</li>";
print "</ul>";