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File: class.csvlist.php

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File: class.csvlist.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class File
Class: CSV list
Manipulate a list of entries in a string of separa
Author: By
Last change: Fixed count_item bug.
Added Searching mimicing LIKE % % style
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 12,630 bytes


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<?php /*~ class.csvlist.php .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Software: csvlist - PHP CSV String class | | Version: 1.0 | | Contact: Gary Tay <garytay81(at)gmail(dot)com> | | Require: PHP 5.0+ | | Use: Link-List style storage solution for referencing, relationship | | without the use multiple database rows or using high mem arrays| | Suitable for single tier relationship linking | | Note: Each item in the list MUST be unique. | | Date: 17 May 2010 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | License: Distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL) | | | | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful - WITHOUT | | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or | | FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' Functions add add($item,$front=false) //$front (true) = add to front clean clean($item) clear_error clear_error() count_item count_item() display_error display_error() empty_list empty_list() export export() export_array export_array() export_gz export_gz() get_records get_records($start,$records,$reverse=false) import import($list) import_array import_array($array) import_gz import_gz($data) is_item is_item($item) list_cleanup list_cleanup() remove remove($item) search search($item) set_csv_delimiters set_csv_delimiters($newpp,$newdl) throw_error throw_error($msg,$method) */ class csvlist { /**************************************************************************** * ATTRIBUTES * ****************************************************************************/ public $list; public $count; public $pp ="'"; //Prepend and post pend usually quotes public $dl =","; //Delimiter public $error; public $error_msg; public $error_method; /**************************************************************************** * CONSTRUCTOR * ****************************************************************************/ function __construct($list=false) { $this->clear_error(); //Clear (initialise) Errors $this->empty_list(); //Clear (initialise) list //Quick import if($list) { $this->import($list); } } /**************************************************************************** * METHODS : Import Export * ****************************************************************************/ //Import List As-Is function import($list) { $this->clear_error(); $this->list = $list; $this->list_cleanup(); } //Import single dimension array function import_array($array) { foreach($array as $value) { $this->add($value); } } //Import gzipped file list function import_gz($data) { $this->clear_error(); $this->list = gzuncompress($data); $this->list_cleanup(); } //Export as String function export() { $this->clear_error(); return $this->list; } //export as array function export_array() { //Trim off front/back quotes for easier explode $array = trim($this->list,$this->pp); return explode($this->pp.$this->dl.$this->pp,$array); unset($array); } //Compress and export as gz function export_gz() { $this->clear_error(); return gzcompress($this->list,9); } /**************************************************************************** * METHODS : Core Functions * ****************************************************************************/ //Add item to list function add($item,$front=false) //$front (true) = add to front { $this->clear_error(); if(!strlen($item)) { $this->throw_error("Unable to add null item",__METHOD__); return false; } //Remove $dl and $pp from item if exists $item = $this->clean($item); //Ensure no double entry if(!$this->is_item($item)) { if($front) //Add to front { //Add delimiter to back if list not null if($this->list){$this->list = $this->dl.$this->list;} $this->list=$this->pp.$item.$this->pp.$this->list; }else //Add item to back { //Add delimiter to back if list not null if($this->list){$this->list .= $this->dl;} $this->list.=$this->pp.$item.$this->pp; } return true; }else { $this->throw_error("item already exists",__METHOD__); return false; } } //Remove instance of item function remove($item) { //Remove $dl and $pp from item if exists $item = $this->clean($item); $this->clear_error(); if(!strlen($item)) { $this->throw_error("Unable to remove null item",__METHOD__); return false; } //Ensure it exists if($this->is_item($item)) { //Remove the item $this->list = str_replace($this->pp.$item.$this->pp,"",$this->list); //Cleanup the extra delimters $this->list_cleanup(); //$this->list = str_replace($this->dl.$this->dl,$this->dl,$this->list); return true; } else { $this->throw_error("item doesnt exists",__METHOD__); return false; } } //Search with string SQL : WHERE x LIKE '%x%' function search($item) { $item = (string) $item; $this->clear_error(); $item = $this->clean($item); $pre = ""; $post = ""; if($item[0]!="%") { $pre = $this->pp; } if($item[strlen($item)-1]!="%") { $post = $this->pp; } $item = trim($item,"%"); if(!strlen($item)) { $this->throw_error("Search Term is null",__METHOD__); return false; } $strlen = strlen($this->list); for($i=0;$i < $strlen;$i++) { $i = stripos($this->list,$pre.$item.$post,$i); //stripos = caseInsensitve if($i===false){break;} if($pre){$i++;} $i_front = strrpos($this->list,$this->pp,($strlen-$i)*-1); $i = strpos($this->list,$this->pp,$i); $match[] = substr($this->list,$i_front+1, $i-$i_front-1); } if($match){return $match;} else { $this->throw_error("No Match found",__METHOD__); return false; } } function get_record_position($item) { $item = $this->clean($item); $thispos = strpos($this->list, $this->pp.$item.$this->pp); if($thispos!==false) { return substr_count(substr($this->list, 0,$thispos),$this->dl); }else { return false; } } function get_records_csv($start,$records,$reverse=false) { $records = $this->get_records($start,$records,$reverse); $t = ""; for($i=0;$records[$i];$i++) { $csv .= $t.$this->pp.$records[$i].$this->pp; $t = $this->dl; } return $csv; } //Pagination record retrival (Array) function get_records($start,$records,$reverse=false) { //No records? if(!$records) { $this->throw_error("0 records?",__METHOD__); return false; } $strlen = strlen($this->list); $records_counter = 0; //Record number in string $lastitem = false; //reverse record fetching if($reverse) { //Get item count $r_count = $this->count_item(); if(($r_count - $start) > $records) { $start = ($r_count - $start) - $records; }else { $records = $r_count - $start; $start -= $r_count; } } for($i=0;$records AND $lastitem == false; $i++) { //echo "<br/>Records left : $records Record_Counter : $records_counter || "; if($i+1 < $strlen) { $i = strpos($this->list, $this->dl,$i+1); }else { $i = false; } //Last item (or only 1 in list) //Causes exit after this loop if($i===false) { $lastitem = true; $i=$strlen; } $i--; //Move back by 1 //echo "$i_front : $i"; if($start <= $records_counter) { //echo " Match $i_front : $i"; $i_front = strrpos($this->list,$this->pp,($strlen-$i+1)*-1); $match[] = substr($this->list,$i_front+1, $i-$i_front-1); $records--; } $records_counter++; } if($reverse) { return array_reverse($match); } return $match; } //Check if an item exists in the string (FULL MATCH ONLY); SQL : WHERE x = 'x' function is_item($item) { $item = $this->clean($item); $exist = strpos($this->list, $this->pp.$item.$this->pp); if($exist!==false) { return true; }else { return false; } } /**************************************************************************** * METHODS : Utilities * ***************************************************************************/ //Change delimiters pre-post/pend $pp function set_csv_delimiters($newpp,$newdl) { $this->clear_error(); if(strlen($newpp)==1) { $this->pp = $newpp; }else { $this->throw_error("Pre/PostPend is not 1 character",__METHOD__); } if(strlen($newdl)==1) { $this->dl = $newdl; }else { $this->throw_error("Delimiter is not 1 character",__METHOD__); } } //Clean inputs -- Strip $pp and $dl *Preventive Measure* function clean($item) { if(strpos($item,$this->pp)!==false) { $item = str_replace($this->pp,htmlentities($this->pp, ENT_QUOTES),$item); } if(strpos($item,$this->dl)!==false) { $item = str_replace($this->dl,htmlentities($this->dl, ENT_QUOTES),$item); } return $item; } //Count Items in the list function count_item() { $this->count = substr_count($this->list,$this->pp); if($this->count) { $this->count=$this->count/2; } /*if($this->count!=0) { $this->count++; }*/ return $this->count; } //Clear the list and set it to false function empty_list() { $this->clear_error(); $this->list = false; } function list_cleanup() { $md5 = md5($this->list); //Cleanup the extra delimters $this->list = str_replace($this->dl.$this->dl,$this->dl,$this->list); $this->list = trim($this->list,$this->dl); if($md5!=md5($this->list)) { return true; }else { return false; } } /**************************************************************************** * METHODS - Error handling * ****************************************************************************/ function clear_error() { //clears errors $this->error = false; $this->error_msg = false; $this->error_method = false; } function throw_error($msg,$method) { //Set error $this->error = true; $this->error_msg = $msg; $this->error_method = $method; } function display_error() { if($this->error) { return $this->error_method." :: ".$this->error_msg; } else { return false; } } } // end Class ?>