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File: samples/html-to-pdf-main.php

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  Classes of Select Pdf   SelectPdf Online REST API PHP PDF Library Client   samples/html-to-pdf-main.php   Download  
File: samples/html-to-pdf-main.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: SelectPdf Online REST API PHP PDF Library Client
Manipulate PDF documents using the SelectPDF API
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 2,542 bytes


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$url = '';
$localFile = "Test.pdf";
$apiKey = "Your API key here";

echo (
"This is SelectPdf-" . SelectPdf\Api\ApiClient::CLIENT_VERSION . ".\n");

try {
$client = new SelectPdf\Api\HtmlToPdfClient($apiKey);

// set parameters - see full list at
// main properties

->setPageSize(SelectPdf\Api\PageSize::A4) // PDF page size
->setPageOrientation(SelectPdf\Api\PageOrientation::Portrait) // PDF page orientation
->setMargins(0) // PDF page margins
->setRenderingEngine(SelectPdf\Api\RenderingEngine::WebKit) // rendering engine
->setConversionDelay(1) // conversion delay
->setNavigationTimeout(30) // navigation timeout
->setShowPageNumbers(false) // page numbers
->setPageBreaksEnhancedAlgorithm(true) // enhanced page break algorithm

        // additional properties

        // ->setUseCssPrint(true) // enable CSS media print
        // ->setDisableJavascript(true) // disable javascript
        // ->setDisableInternalLinks(true) // disable internal links
        // ->setDisableExternalLinks(true) // disable external links
        // ->setKeepImagesTogether(true) // keep images together
        // ->setScaleImages(true) // scale images to create smaller pdfs
        // ->setSinglePagePdf(true) // generate a single page PDF
        // ->setUserPassword("password") // secure the PDF with a password

        // generate automatic bookmarks

        // ->setPdfBookmarksSelectors("H1, H2") // create outlines (bookmarks) for the specified elements
        // ->setViewerPageMode(SelectPdf\Api\PageMode::UseOutlines) // display outlines (bookmarks) in viewer

    echo (
"Starting conversion ...\n");
// convert url to file
$client->convertUrlToFile($url, $localFile);

// convert url to memory
    // $pdf = $client->convertUrl($url);

    // convert html string to file
    // $client->convertHtmlStringToFile("This is some <b>html</b>.", $localFile);

    // convert html string to memory
    // $pdf = $client->convertHtmlString("This is some <b>html</b>.");

echo ("Finished! Number of pages: " . $client->getNumberOfPages() . ".\n");

// get API usage
$usageClient = new \SelectPdf\Api\UsageClient($apiKey);
$usage = $usageClient->getUsage(true);
"Conversions remained this month: " . $usage["available"] . ".\n");

catch (
Exception $ex) {
"An error occurred: " . $ex . ".\n");