Easy to use:
Just include the class file and it automatically replace the default error handler!
You can turn the display of error infos off & on at runtine, using
debug::$on = false;
debug::$on = true;
You can use it anytime in you code ;)
To use the chrono:
debug::chrono(); // set the timer
debug::chrono('your message'); // display your message & time elapsed since last chrono call
debug::chrono(true); // display a table with all messages & times
You can also use several chrono at the same time by passing chrono name as second argument:
debug::chrono( null, 'chrono1' ); // set the timer of chrono 1
usleep( 5000 );
debug::chrono( null, 'chrono2' ); // set the timer of chrono 2
debug::chrono( 'your message 1', 'chrono1' ); // display your message & time elapsed since last chrono 1 call
usleep( 5000 );
debug::chrono( 'your message 2', 'chrono2' ); // display your message & time elapsed since last chrono 2 call
debug::chrono( true, 'chrono1' ); // display a table with all messages & times of chrono 1
debug::chrono( true, 'chrono2' ); // display a table with all messages & times of chrono 2
Error display template:
[Error Type]: [Full Error message] in [path and filename] on line xxx
Stack trace:
#0 [path and filename](xxx): [code where error occured]
#1 [path and filename](xxx): [Function call backtrace]
#2 [path and filename](xxx): [Function call backtrace]
#3 {main}
$var1 = [value];
$var2 = [value];
Chrono display example:
-> message 1: x.xxxs
-> message 2: x.xxxs
-> message n: x.xxxs
chrono [name]
unit - action duration
1 - message 1 x.xxxs
x.xx - message 2 x.xxxs
x.xx - message n x.xxxs