/*connection vars (can edit)*/
$db_hostname = "localhost"; //host of the datebase, it's usually "localhost"
$db_username = "root"; //username of the db, it's usually called "root"
$db_password = ""; //password of the db
$db_name = "simple_comments"; //here it goes the name of the db
/*connect to the db (cannot edit)*/
mysql_connect($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password) or die('error at mysql connection');
mysql_select_db($db_name) or die('error at the database selection');
/*edit the max lenght of the name, email and history*/
$max_name = 20; //type the max lenght for the name
$max_email = 70; //type the max lenght for the email
$max_history = 200; //type the max lenght for the history
/*edit options*/
$allow_urls = "off"; //type off if you do not want users typing urls or on for the opposite
$show_error_messages = "on"; //type on if you want to display errors or messages or type no for the opposite