DownloadWhat is policyMaker ?
This package serves to create custom access policies for server software. Apache, Microsoft ISS, LiteSpeed and Nginx software are supported.
Out-of-class use:
code: require_once('Mind.php');
$m = new Mind([
'allow'=>'public' // or array
When using it in the class:
code: self::$conf = [
'allow'=>'public' // or array
Out-of-class use:
code: require_once('Mind.php');
$m = new Mind();
// $m::aliyilmaz('policyMaker')->setAllow('public')->policyMaker();
// $m::aliyilmaz('policyMaker')->setDeny('developer')->policyMaker();
// $m::aliyilmaz('policyMaker')->setDeny('developer')->setAllow('public')->policyMaker();
// $m::aliyilmaz('policyMaker')->setDeny(['developer', 'app'])->setAllow(['public', 'files'])->policyMaker();
When using it in the class:
code: self::aliyilmaz('policyMaker')->policyMaker();
// self::aliyilmaz('policyMaker')->setAllow('public')->policyMaker();
// self::aliyilmaz('policyMaker')->setDeny('developer')->policyMaker();
// self::aliyilmaz('policyMaker')->setDeny('developer')->setAllow('public')->policyMaker();
// self::aliyilmaz('policyMaker')->setDeny(['developer', 'app'])->setAllow(['public', 'files'])->policyMaker();
output: Server access files are created by server software type.
Blocking access to directories is always a priority.
Therefore, if a conflicting directory is detected in the directory definitions, access is denied.
Access to directories that are not specifically allowed is always blocked.
For Nginx:
The following steps should be applied only for Nginx, there is no need for intervention in other server software. Add the following rules to the server {} container in the .conf file that affects the project and restart the server. You need to enter the directories whose access you will restrict in the parenthesis in the location ~ /(app)/ section with | separator such as (app|special) .
error_page 404 /index.php;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
autoindex on;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass php_upstream;
location ~ /(app)/ {
deny all;
return 403;
getSoftware 1.0.1
write 1.0.1
Instructions and files in this directory are shared under the GPL3 license. |