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File: libs/src/Levenshtein.php

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  Classes of mohammad anzawi   PHP Similarity Between Two Strings   libs/src/Levenshtein.php   Download  
File: libs/src/Levenshtein.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: PHP Similarity Between Two Strings
Calculate the similarity level of two text strings
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Date: 2 years ago
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namespace Anzawi\FindDiff;

     * Calculate Levenshtein distance between two strings
     * Note: In its simplest form the function will take only the two strings
     * as parameter and will calculate just the number of insert, replace and
     * delete operations needed to transform firstString into secondString.
     * Note: A second variant will take three additional parameters that define
     * the cost of insert, replace and delete operations. This is more general
     * and adaptive than variant one, but not as efficient.
     * @param string $firstString One of the strings being evaluated for Levenshtein distance.
     * @param string $secondString One of the strings being evaluated for Levenshtein distance.
     * @param int $costIns [optional] Defines the cost of insertion.
     * @param int $costRep [optional] Defines the cost of replacement.
     * @param int $costDel [optional] Defines the cost of deletion.
     * @return int
public static function findDiff(string $firstString, string $secondString, int $costIns = 1, int $costRep = 1, int $costDel = 1): int
         * get strings lengths
$firstStringLength = strlen($firstString);
$secondStringLength = strlen($secondString);

// throw exception if any string length grater than MAX_STRINGS_LENGTH (255)
if ($firstStringLength > self::MAX_STRINGS_LENGTH || $secondStringLength > self::MAX_STRINGS_LENGTH) {
            throw new \
LogicException("max strings length is '" . self::MAX_STRINGS_LENGTH . "' '$firstStringLength', '$secondString' gavin!");

         * check if first string length is [0]
         * return second string length multiplied with cost of insertion
if ($firstStringLength == 0) {
$secondStringLength * $costIns;

         * check if second string length is [0]
         * return first string length multiplied with cost of deletion
if ($secondStringLength == 0) {
$firstStringLength * $costDel;

$paragraph1 = [];
$paragraph2 = [];

// initial boundary conditions
for ($i2 = 0; $i2 <= $secondStringLength; $i2++) {
$paragraph1[$i2] = $i2 * $costIns;

// calculate the edit distance
for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $firstStringLength; $i1++) {
$paragraph2[0] = $paragraph1[0] + $costDel;

            for (
$i2 = 0; $i2 < $secondStringLength; $i2++) {
$c0 = $paragraph1[$i2] + (($firstString[$i1] == $secondString[$i2]) ? 0 : $costRep);
$c1 = $paragraph1[$i2 + 1] + $costDel;
                if (
$c1 < $c0) {
$c0 = $c1;
$c2 = $paragraph2[$i2] + $costIns;
                if (
$c2 < $c0) {
$c0 = $c2;
$paragraph2[$i2 + 1] = $c0;
$tmp = $paragraph1;
$paragraph1 = $paragraph2;
$paragraph2 = $tmp;

    private const

     * Get strings different to render in html page
     * @param string $firstString
     * @param string $secondString
     * @return string[]
public static function getDiff(string $firstString, string $secondString)
$fromStart = strspn($firstString ^ $secondString, "\0");
$fromEnd = strspn(strrev($firstString) ^ strrev($secondString), "\0");
$firstStringEnd = strlen($firstString) - $fromEnd;
$secondStringEnd = strlen($secondString) - $fromEnd;

$start = substr($secondString, 0, $fromStart);
$end = substr($secondString, $secondStringEnd);
$secondStringDiff = substr($secondString, $fromStart, $secondStringEnd - $fromStart);
$firstStringDiff = substr($firstString, $fromStart, $firstStringEnd - $fromStart);

$secondString = "$start<ins style='background-color:#ccffcc'>$secondStringDiff</ins>$end";
$firstString = "$start<del style='background-color:#ffcccc'>$firstStringDiff</del>$end";
        return [
"first_string" => $firstString,
"second_string" => $secondString,