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File: kinetic/js/game/game.js

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File: kinetic/js/game/game.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Tiled to CraftyJS
Convert game level tiled maps CraftyJS components
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 2,339 bytes


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var Game = function(config){ this._config = config; } Game.prototype ={ _stage:null, _window:null, _map:null, _paused:false, _speed:{ x:6, y:6 }, run:function(){ this._init(); }, _init:function(){ this._window = $('#game'); var stats = new Stats(); $('#stats').append(stats.domElement); this._stage = new Kinetic.Stage({ container:'game', // width:640, // height:480 width:this._window.width(), height:this._window.height() }); this._map = new Map(this._stage); this._map.load(this._config); this._keyboard = new Kinetic.Keyboard(); var keyboard = this._keyboard; $(document).focus(); var map = this._map; var FPS = 25; var game = this; var frame = 0; $(document).on("keyup keydown",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); keyboard.dispatch(e); }).on("focusin",function(){ keyboard.enable(); }).on("focusout",function(){ keyboard.disable(); }); var animation = new Kinetic.Animation({ func:function(frame){ if(!map.isReady() && game.isPaused())return stats.begin(); game.update(); if(++frame % FPS == 0) return; map.draw(); stats.end(); } }); animation.start(); }, isPaused:function(){ return this._paused; }, pause:function(){ this._paused = true; }, unpause:function(){ this._paused = false; }, update:function(){ if( !this._keyboard.isDown()) return; if(this._keyboard.isDown('UP_ARROW')){ this._stage.attrs.y +=this._speed.y; } if(this._keyboard.isDown('DOWN_ARROW')){ this._stage.attrs.y -=this._speed.y; } if( this._keyboard.isDown('RIGHT_ARROW')){ this._stage.attrs.x -=this._speed.x; } if(this._keyboard.isDown('LEFT_ARROW')){ this._stage.attrs.x +=this._speed.x; } } }