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File: kinetic/js/_game/game2.js

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  Classes of Vitalij Mik   PHP Tiled to CraftyJS   kinetic/js/_game/game2.js   Download  
File: kinetic/js/_game/game2.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Tiled to CraftyJS
Convert game level tiled maps CraftyJS components
Author: By
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 11,669 bytes


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$(function(){ var size = $(window); var info = $('#info'); //Set the stage on fullscreen var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({ container: "game", width:size.width(), height:size.height() }); //Get the tilesets var tilesets = frontier_outpost.tilesets; var loaded = 0; var sprites = {}; var assets = {}; //Add Stats.js var stats = new Stats(); info.append(stats.domElement); //Preload Images for(var i = 0,il = tilesets.length;i<il;i++){ var set = tilesets[i]; var img = new Image(); img.onload = function(){ if(++loaded >= tilesets.length) { createSprites(); } } img.src = set.image; } //Create spritemaps function createSprites(){ for(var i = 0,il = tilesets.length;i<il;i++){ var set = tilesets[i]; var id = set.firstgid; if(!assets[set.image]){ var img = new Image(); img.src = set.image; assets[set.image] = img; } for(var y = 0,yl=(set.imageheight/set.tileheight);y<yl;y++){ for(var x = 0,xl=(set.imagewidth/set.tilewidth);x<xl;x++){ var offset = set.offset || { x:0, y:0 } sprites[id] ={ img:assets[set.image], x:(x*set.tilewidth), y:(y*set.tileheight), width:set.tilewidth, height:set.tileheight, offset:{ x:-offset.x, y:-offset.y } }; id++; } } } //Draw map after sprites are created updateMap(); } var tiles = {}; var init = false; var drawed = false; var countTiles = 0; var startX = 20; var startY = 20; var backgroundLayer = new Kinetic.Layer({ name:'backgrounds', listening:false }), objectLayer = new Kinetic.Layer({ name:'objects', listening:false }); //sort tiles on their zIndex backgroundLayer.beforeDraw(function(){ this.children.sort(function(a,b){ return a.attrs.zIndex-b.attrs.zIndex }); }); objectLayer.beforeDraw(function(){ this.children.sort(function(a,b){ return a.attrs.zIndex-b.attrs.zIndex }); }); //define vars var data = frontier_outpost, backgroundTiles = data.layers[0].data, objectTiles = data.layers[1].data, mw = data.width, mh = data.height, tw = data.tilewidth, th = data.tileheight, map = new Kinetic.Isometric(tw,th,mw,mh), tile = null,pos=null,name,grid={}; var bgCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); bgCanvas.width = map._width; bgCanvas.height = map._height; = 'absolute'; var bgContext = bgCanvas.getContext('2d'); function updateMap(){ //Center the Stage at location x/y on init if(!init) map.centerAt(stage,startX,startY); //Get locations of area within viewport var area = map.area(stage,1); var bgTiles = []; //loop over area in viewport // console.time("Create new Tiles"); for(var m in area){ var x = area[m][0], //get X y = area[m][1], //get Y index = y*mw+x, //get Index of array background = backgroundTiles[index], //get Background object = objectTiles[index],l=0,image=null; //get objects if(background > 0 && sprites[background]){ //if background and sprite exists l=1; tile = sprites[background]; //get sprite infos pos = map.pos2px(x, y); //calculate x/y to top/left position name = "Y"+y+"X"+x+"Z1"; grid[name] = true; //set the grid on true, so this location is within viewport //if tile does not exists if(!tiles[name]){ /* //create new Image image = new Kinetic.Image({ x: pos.left,, image: tile.img, width: tile.width, height: tile.height, crop:{ x:tile.x, y:tile.y, width:tile.width, height:tile.height }, offset :tile.offset,*l, name:name }); //add image to layer backgroundLayer.add(image);*/ //save image temporary bgTiles.push({ x: pos.left,, image: tile.img, width: tile.width, height: tile.height, crop:{ x:tile.x, y:tile.y, width:tile.width, height:tile.height }, offset :tile.offset,*l, name:name }); tiles[name] = { attrs:{ visible:true } }; } } if(object > 0 && sprites[object]){ //if background and sprite exists l=2; tile = sprites[object]; //get sprite infos pos = map.pos2px(x, y); //calculate x/y to top/left position name = "Y"+y+"X"+x+"Z2"; grid[name] = true; //set the grid on true, so this location is within viewport //if tile does not exists if(!tiles[name]){ //create new Image image = new Kinetic.Image({ x: pos.left,, image: tile.img, width: tile.width, height: tile.height, crop:{ x:tile.x, y:tile.y, width:tile.width, height:tile.height }, offset :tile.offset,*l, name:name }); //add image to layer objectLayer.add(image); //save image temporary tiles[name] = image; } } tile = null; } // console.timeEnd("Create new Tiles"); bgTiles.sort(function(a,b){ return a.zIndex-b.zIndex; }); for(var b = 0,bl = bgTiles.length;b<bl;b++){ var bgTile = bgTiles[b]; bgContext.drawImage(bgTile.image,bgTile.crop.x,bgTile.crop.y,bgTile.crop.width,bgTile.crop.height,bgTile.x-bgTile.offset.x,bgTile.y-bgTile.offset.y,bgTile.width,bgTile.height); } delete bgTiles; bgTiles = []; //clear map //Loop over all tiles // console.time("Show/Hide Tiles"); for(var i in tiles){ var t = tiles[i]; if(!grid[i]){ //if the name is in Grid var t.attrs.visible = false; }else{ //here i need to delete it t.attrs.visible = true; } } // console.timeEnd("Show/Hide Tiles"); delete grid; grid = {}; if(!init){ backgroundLayer.getContext().clearRect(0, 0, stage.attrs.width,stage.attrs.height); backgroundLayer.getContext().drawImage(bgCanvas,Math.max(0,-stage.attrs.x),Math.max(0,-stage.attrs.y),stage.attrs.width,stage.attrs.height,0,0,stage.attrs.width,stage.attrs.height); objectLayer.draw(); } init =true; info.find('#bg').text(backgroundLayer.children.length); info.find('#obj').text(objectLayer.children.length); } stage.add(backgroundLayer); stage.add(objectLayer); var keyboard = new Kinetic.Keyboard(); var speed = { x:5, y:5 }; var updateStage = function(delta){ if(keyboard.isDown('W') || keyboard.isDown('UP_ARROW')){ stage.attrs.y +=~~(speed.y*delta); } if(keyboard.isDown('S')|| keyboard.isDown('DOWN_ARROW')){ stage.attrs.y -=~~(speed.y*delta); } if(keyboard.isDown('D') || keyboard.isDown('RIGHT_ARROW')){ stage.attrs.x -=~~(speed.x*delta); } if(keyboard.isDown('A')|| keyboard.isDown('LEFT_ARROW')){ stage.attrs.x +=~~(speed.x*delta); } } var FPS = 50; var skipTicks = 1000/FPS; var maxLoops = 5; var nextTick = new Date().getTime(); stats.begin(); stage.onFrame(function(frame){ /* var loops = 0,inter = 0; while((new Date()).getTime() > nextTick && loops < maxLoops){ updateStage(1); nextTick +=skipTicks; loops++; } inter = parseFloat(((new Date()).getTime() + skipTicks - nextTick) / skipTicks); */ if( > frame.lastTime-1000/60){ if(keyboard.isDown()) { // console.time("Update Stage Position") updateStage(1); //console.timeEnd("Update Stage Position") // console.time("Update Map Images") updateMap(); //console.timeEnd("Update Map Images") //console.time("Draw Background Layer") backgroundLayer.getContext().clearRect(0, 0, stage.attrs.width,stage.attrs.height); backgroundLayer.getContext().drawImage(bgCanvas,Math.max(0,-stage.attrs.x),Math.max(0,-stage.attrs.y),stage.attrs.width,stage.attrs.height,0,0,stage.attrs.width,stage.attrs.height); //console.timeEnd("Draw Background Layer") //console.time("Draw Object Layer") objectLayer.draw(); //console.timeEnd("Draw Object Layer") } } stats.update(); }); stats.end(); stage.start(); size.on("click mousedown",function(e){ keyboard.preventDefault(e); }) size.on("keydown",function(e){ keyboard.preventDefault(e); keyboard.dispatch(e); }); size.on("keyup",function(e){ keyboard.preventDefault(e); keyboard.dispatch(e); }); size.on("resize",function(){ return true; var size = $(window); init = false; stage.setWidth(size.width()); stage.setHeight(size.height()); drawMap(); }) });