* Validation class for validation of misc strings
* @author Sven Wagener <wagener_at_indot_de>
* @include Funktion:_include_
class validate{
var $country_code;
var $string;
* Regular expressions for postcode of the following countries
* at = austria
* au = australia
* ca = canada
* de = german
* ee = estonia
* nl = netherlands
* it = italy
* pt = portugal
* se = sweden
* uk = united kingdom
* us = united states
var $pattern_postcode=array(
'uk'=>'^([A-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{1}[0-9A-Z]{0,1}) ?([0-9]{1}[A-Z]{1,2})$',
var $pattern_email='^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$ ';
var $pattern_ip='([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})';
var $pattern_url='^(http|ftp)://(www\.)?.+\.(com|net|org)$';
* The constructor of the validation class
* @param string $string the string which have to be validated
* @desc The constructor of the validation class
function validate($string){
* Validates the string if it consists of alphabetical chars
* @param int $num_chars the number of chars in the string
* @param string $behave defines how to check the string: min, max or exactly number of chars
* @desc Validates the string if it consists of alphabetical chars
function alpha($num_chars,$behave){
}else if ($behave=="max"){
}else if ($behave=="exactly"){
return ereg($pattern,$this->string);
* Validates the string if it consists of lowercase alphabetical chars
* @param int $num_chars the number of chars in the string
* @param string $behave defines how to check the string: min, max or exactly number of chars
* @desc Validates the string if it consists of lowercase alphabetical chars
function alpha_lowercase($num_chars,$behave){
}else if ($behave=="max"){
}else if ($behave=="exactly"){
return ereg($pattern,$this->string);
* Validates the string if it consists of uppercase alphabetical chars
* @param int $num_chars the number of chars in the string
* @param string $behave defines how to check the string: min, max or exactly number of chars
* @desc Validates the string if it consists of uppercalse alphabetical chars
function alpha_uppercase($num_chars,$behave){
}else if ($behave=="max"){
}else if ($behave=="exactly"){
return ereg($pattern,$this->string);
* Validates the string if it consists of numeric chars
* @param int $num_chars the number of chars in the string
* @param string $behave defines how to check the string: min, max or exactly number of chars
* @desc Validates the string if it consists of numeric chars
function numeric($num_chars,$behave){
}else if ($behave=="max"){
}else if ($behave=="exactly"){
return ereg($pattern,$this->string);
* Validates the string if it consists of alphanumerical chars
* @param int $num_chars the number of chars in the string
* @param string $behave defines how to check the string: min, max or exactly number of chars
* @desc Validates the string if it consists of alphanumerical chars
function alpha_numeric($num_chars,$behave){
}else if ($behave=="max"){
}else if ($behave=="exactly"){
return ereg($pattern,$this->string);
* Validates the string if its a valid postcode
* @param string $country_code the country code for the country of the postcode (de,en)
* @desc Validates the string if its a valid postcode
function postcode($country_code){
return ereg($this->pattern_postcode[$country_code],$this->string);
return false;
* Validates the string if its a valid email address
* @desc Validates the string if its a valid email adress
function email(){
return ereg($this->pattern_email,$this->string);
* Validates the string if its a valid ip address
* @desc Validates the string if its a valid ip address
function ip_address(){
return ereg($this->pattern_ip,$ip);
* Validates the string if its a valid URL
* @desc Validates the string if its a valid URL
function url(){
return ereg($this->pattern_url,$ip);