* This source file is subject to the new BSD license
* It is available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://www.petala-azul.com/bsd.txt
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to geral@petala-azul.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* @package Bvb_Grid
* @copyright Copyright (c) (http://www.petala-azul.com)
* @license http://www.petala-azul.com/bsd.txt New BSD License
* @version $Id: Interface.php 941 2010-03-11 15:09:52Z bento.vilas.boas@gmail.com $
* @author Bento Vilas Boas <geral@petala-azul.com >
interface Bvb_Grid_Source_Interface
* Sould return true|false if this source support
* crud operations
* @return bool
function hasCrud ();
*Gets a unique record as a associative array
* @param $table
* @param $condition
function getRecord ($table, array $condition);
* builds a key=>value array
* they must have two options
* title and field
* field is used to perform queries.
* Must have table name or table alias as a prefix
* ex: user.id | country.population
* The key for this array is the output field
* If raw sql is somehting like
* select name as alias, country from users
* the return array must be like this:
* array('alias'=>array('title'=>'alias','field'=>'users.name'));
* its not bad idea to apply this to fields titles
* $title = ucwords(str_replace('_',' ',$title));
function buildFields ();
* Should return the database server name or source name
* Ex: mysql, pgsql, array, xml
function getSourceName ();
*Runs the query and returns the result as a associative array
function execute ();
* Get a record detail based the current query
* @param array $where
* @return array
function fetchDetail (array $where);
* Return the total of records
function getTotalRecords ();
* @return key=>value array with all tables
* Ex: array('c'=>array('tableName'=>'Country'));
* where c is the table alias. If the table as no alias,
* c should be the table name
function getTableList ();
* Return possible filters values based on field definion
* This is mostly used for enum fields where the possibile
* values are extracted
* Ex: enum('Yes','No','Empty');
* should return
* array('Yes'=>'Yes','No'=>'No','Empty'=>'Empty');
* @param $field
function getFilterValuesBasedOnFieldDefinition ($field);
* Return te field type
* char, varchar, int
* Note: If the field is enum or set,
* the value returned must be set or enum,
* and not the full definition
* @param string $field
function getFieldType ($field);
* Returns the "main" table
* the one after select * FROM {MAIN_TABLE}
function getMainTable ();
* Build the order part from the query.
* The first arg is the field to be ordered and the $order
* arg is the correspondent order (ASC|DESC)
* If the $reset is set to true, all previous order should be removed
* @param string $field
* @param string $order
* @param bool $reset
function buildQueryOrder ($field, $order, $reset = false);
* Build the query limit clause
* @param $start
* @param $offset
function buildQueryLimit ($start, $offset);
* Returns the select object
function getSelectObject ();
* returns the selected order
* that was defined by the user in the query entered
* and not the one generated by the system
*If empty a empty array must be returned.
*Else the array must be like this:
* (
* [0] => field
* [1] => ORDER (ASC|DESC)
* )
* @return array
function getSelectOrder ();
* Should preform a query based on the provided by the user
* select the two fields and return an array $field=>$value
* as result
* ex: SELECT $field, $value FROM *
* array('1'=>'Something','2'=>'Number','3'=>'history')....;
* @param string $field
* @param string $value
* @return array
function getDistinctValuesForFilters ($field, $value);
*Perform a sqlexp
*$value = array ('functions' => array ('AVG'), 'value' => 'Population' );
*Should be converted to
*SELECT AVG(Population) FROM *
*$value = array ('functions' => array ('SUM','AVG'), 'value' => 'Population' );
*Should be converted to
*SELECT SUM(AVG(Population)) FROM *
* @param array $value
function getSqlExp (array $value);
* Adds a fulltext search instead of a addcondition method
*$field has an index search
*$field['search'] = array('extra'=>'boolean|queryExpansion','indexes'=>'string|array');
*if no indexes provided, use the field name
*boolean => IN BOOLEAN MODE
*queryExpansion => WITH QUERY EXPANSION
* @param $filter
* @param $field
function addFullTextSearch ($filter, $field);
* Adds a new condition to the current query
* $filter is the value to be filtered
* $op is the opreand to be used: =,>=, like, llike,REGEX,
* $completeField. use the index $completField['field'] to
* specify the field, to avoid ambiguous
* @param $filter
* @param $op
* @param $completeField
function addCondition ($filter, $op, $completeField);
*Insert an array of key=>values in the specified table
* @param string $table
* @param array $post
function insert ($table, array $post);
*Update values in a table using the $condition clause
*The condition clause is a $field=>$value array
*that should be escaped by YOU (if your class doesn't do that for you)
* and usinf the AND operand
*Ex: array('user_id'=>'1','id_site'=>'12');
*Raw SQL: * WHERE user_id='1' AND id_site='12'
* @param string $table
* @param array $post
* @param array $condition
function update ($table, array $post, array $condition);
* Delete a record from a table
* The condition clause is a $field=>$value array
* that should be escaped by YOU (if your class doesn't do that for you)
* and usinf the AND operand
* Ex: array('user_id'=>'1','id_site'=>'12');
* Raw SQL: * WHERE user_id='1' AND id_site='12'
* @param string $table
* @param array $condition
function delete ($table, array $condition);
* Removes any order in que query
function resetOrder();
* Cache handler.
function setCache($cache);
* Build the form based on a Model or query
function buildForm();