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File: views/include/script.php

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File: views/include/script.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: F3A
PHP Web development framework like Laravel lite
Author: By
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 10,710 bytes


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<?php /* Common script to all page. Must include head.php at the top */ ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php asset('js/0e537d0987cea355e9484c0f496ebf75f8ba7e9f40e67cfa14c9c9b3587e29c3.js');?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php asset('js/uikit.min.js');?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php asset('js/uikit-icons.min.js');?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php asset('js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js');?>"></script> <?php // Add script if(isset($script)): foreach ($script AS $src): ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php asset($src);?>"></script> <?php endforeach; endif; ?> <script> const REQUEST = '<?php url('api/v1/json'); ?>'; const APP = { letNumber : (() => { $('.number').each(function (e) { $(this).on('keyup', function (e) { let val = $(this).val();if(isNaN(val)){ val = val.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,''); if(val.split('.').length>2){ val =val.replace(/\.+$/,""); } } this.value = val; }) }) }), alert : ((msg='Unable to handle the process', type=false) => { let pos = "top-center"; type = (type)?'primary':'danger' if(window.innerWidth <= 480){ pos = "bottom-center"; } UIkit.notification({message: msg,status: type,pos: pos,timeout: 5000}); }), toConvert: ((datepicker, ele)=>{ if({ datepicker.changeDateMode(); $(; datepicker.changeDateMode(); } return; }), datePicker: ((ele = '.datepicker', ap = true) => { $(ele).each(function(){ let picker = $(this); let datepicker = new Calendar({ isHijriMode: true, isAutoSelectedDate: true }); let convert = { is: !($(this).attr('data-to') == undefined), to: $(this).attr('data-to') } $(this).parent().append(datepicker.getElement()); if(ap){ picker.val(datepicker.getDate().getDateString()); APP.toConvert(datepicker, convert); }; picker.on('focus', function(){; }); datepicker.callback = function() { picker.val(datepicker.getDate().getDateString()); picker.selectionStart = 0; picker.selectionEnd = picker.val().length; }; datepicker.onHide = function() { APP.toConvert(datepicker, convert); }; }) }), navActive: ((a=null)=>{ $('.uk-nav a').each(function(e){ e = $(this); a = (e.attr('href') == (location.href)); if($(this).hasClass('lactive')){ e.removeClass("lactive") }else{ (a)?e.addClass('lactive'):''; } }) }), submit: ((ele)=>{ ele = ele.find('[type=submit]'); ele.attr('disabled', 'disabled').attr('data-pre', ele.text()).addClass('nrs_').html('<div role="status"><div uk-spinner></div><span class="uk-margin-left">validating...</span></div>'); }), resetSubmit: (()=>{ $('.nrs_').each(function(){ $(this).removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('nrs_').html($(this).data('pre')); }) }), script: ((script)=>{ let s = document.createElement( 'script' ); s.setAttribute( 'src', script ); return document.head.appendChild( s ); }), css: ((css)=>{ let s = document.createElement( 'link' ); s.setAttribute( 'href', css ); return document.head.appendChild( s ); }), api: ((param, callback, method='POST')=>{ param = { request: param, method : method, time:, <?php echo CSRF_KEY; ?>: document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf]').getAttribute('content') }; $.ajax({ url:REQUEST, method:method, data: param, crossDomain: false, dataType:'JSON', success: ((response, status, code)=>{ callback(response) }), error: ((response, status, code)=>{ console.warn(response, status, code); }) }) }), }; APP.navActive(); </script> <?php if( \App\Controllers\Auth\Auth::isLoggedIn()): ?> <script> const init = (()=>{ $(document).on('click', '.drop', function(e){ // DROP ENTRIES e.preventDefault(); const t = { a: $(this).attr('data-api'), k: $(this).attr('data-drop') }; if(t.a != undefined && t.k != undefined ){ e = 'd'; let form = '<div><form id="'+e+'" action="<?php url('delete');?>" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo CSRF_KEY; ?>" value="'+document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf]').getAttribute('content')+'"><input type="hidden" name="api" value="'+t.a+'"><input type="hidden" name="key[]" value="'+t.k+'"></form></div>'; UIkit.modal.confirm('<div class="uk-alert uk uk-alert-danger uk-width-1 uk-box-shadow-small"><strong>Warning :</strong> Deleting a record will also delete all its related records.</div>').then(function() { $('body').append(form); $('#'+e).submit(); }, function () { console.log('Rejected.'); }); } }) $('._le').on('click', function(e){ // Load ledger entries e.preventDefault(); $this = $(this); if($this.attr('data-filter') != undefined && $this.attr('data-out') != undefined){ let out = $this.attr('data-out').split('>'); $(out).html('<div class="uk-text-center" role="status"><div uk-spinner></div></div>'); if(out.length == 2){ APP.api({ input: { f: 'entry', k: $this.attr('data-filter'), }, endpoint: 'filterX' }, function (data) { let t = ''; $; if (data.s) { t = "<table id='table' class='uk-table uk-table-middle uk-table-divider'><thead><tr>"; for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { t += '<th>'[i]+'</th>'; } t += '</tr></thead><tbody>'; if(data.m.length > 0){ data.m.forEach(tr => { t += '<tr>'; for(let td in tr){ t += '<td>'+tr[td]+'</td>'; } t += '</tr>'; }); }else{ t += '<tr><td class="uk-text-center" colspan="''">No records found</td></tr>'; } t += '</tbody></table>'; } else { t = '<div class="uk-alert-warning uk-box-shadow-small" uk-alert><p>'+data.m+'.</p></div>'; } let i = '_l'; let d = document.createElement(out[1]); $(d).attr('id', i).addClass('uk-overflow-auto uk-active').appendTo(out[0]); $(out[0]+' > #'+ i).html(t); }) }else{ APP.alert('Somthing went wrong'); } } }) })() </script> <?php endif; ?> </body> </html>