* MySQl simple abstraction layer.
* It can manage and obtain additional information from an mysql_query
* The same object can manage many querys, but it is recommended to use one object for each query
* @autor César Bruschi
* @since 03/2010
class Db
private $host;
private $username;
private $password;
private $db; //BBDD
private $query; //Resource
private $sql; //Statement
public $link; //Connection
public $numRows = 0; //Num or affected rows
public $numFields = 0; //Num fields
public $fiels = array(); //Fields data
private $debug = false; //Sets debug mode true or false
public $insert_id = 0; // Last insert ID
* Connects to the Db and makes the query
* @param <string> $host
* @param <string> $username
* @param <string> $password
* @param <string> $db
* @param <bool> $debug
public function Db($host, $username, $password, $db, $debug = false)
$this->host = $host;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
$this->debug = $debug;
if($this->debug) echo "Modo debug activado. Cliente: ".mysql_get_client_info()."<br />";
if(!$this->link = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->username, $this->password)) die("Imposible conectar! (".mysql_errno().") ".mysql_error());
if(!$this->db = mysql_select_db($db, $this->link)) die("Imposible seleccionar DB (".mysql_errno().") ".mysql_error());
if($this->debug) echo "Conectado a $this->host como $this->username a las ".date("H:i:s").". DB seleccionada: $db<br />";
* Executes a mysql_query and gets some additional information
* @param <string> $sql
* @return <resource> mysql_resource
public function query($sql)
$this->sql = $sql;
if(!is_resource($this->link)) die ("Se ha perdido la conexión con la DB. ".mysql_error());
if(!$this->query = mysql_query($this->sql, $this->link)) die("Imposible realizar consulta (".mysql_error().") ".mysql_error());
if($this->debug) echo "Realizada la consulta $this->sql. Host ".mysql_get_host_info()."<br />";
//Registros obtenidos o afectados
if(!strpos("SELECT", $this->sql))
$this->numRows = mysql_num_rows($this->query);
$this->numFields = mysql_num_fields($this->query);
$this->insert_id = mysql_insert_id();
} else { $this->numRows = mysql_affected_rows($this->query); }
if($this->debug) echo "Consultados $this->numRows registros.<br />";
return $this->query;
* Executes and unbuffered query if needed
* @param <string> $sql
* @return <resource> mysql_resource
public function unbuffered_query($sql)
$this->sql = $sql;
if(!is_resource($this->link)) die ("Se ha perdido la conexión con la DB. ".mysql_error());
if(!$this->query = mysql_unbuffered_query($this->sql, $this->link)) die("Imposible realizar consulta (".mysql_error().") ".mysql_error());
if($this->debug) echo "Realizada la consulta sin buffer $this->sql.<br />";
//Registros obtenidos o afectados
if($this->debug) echo "Consulta sin b?ffer, no hay información adicional.<br />";
return $this->query;
* Gets the information of the fields and returns it into an array
* @return <array>
public function getFieldsData()
//Numero de campos
if($this->debug) echo "La consulta contiene $this->numFields campos.<br />";
//Nombres de los campos y sus propiedades
$i = 0;
$this->fields[mysql_field_name($this->query, $i)] = array(
'type' => mysql_field_type($this->query, $i),
'len' => mysql_field_len($this->query, $i),
'table' => mysql_field_table($this->query, $i));
//Devuelvo array
return $this->fields;
* Performs a mysql_fetch_assoc function, no need to indicate the resource
* @return <array>
public function fetch_assoc()
return mysql_fetch_assoc($this->query);
* Performs a mysql_fetch_array function, no need to indicate the resource
* @return <array>
public function fetch_array()
return mysql_fetch_array($this->query);
* Gets a field name with the mysql_field_name function
* @param <int> $index, the field to query
* @return <string> , the field $index name
public function field_name($index)
return mysql_field_name($this->query, $index);
* Gets a field lenght with the mysql_field_length function
* @param <int> $index, the field to query
* @return <int> , the field $index lenght
public function field_len($index)
return mysql_field_len($this->query, $index);
* Gets a field table name with the mysql_field_table function
* @param <int> $index, the field to query
* @return <string> , the field $index table name
public function field_table($index)
return mysql_field_table($this->query, $index);
* Gets the las insert id
* @return <int>
public function insert_id()
return $this->insert_id;
* Fetchs a query like and object, see the php manual for more information
* @return <array>
public function fetch_object()
return mysql_fetch_object($this->query);
* Closes any open connection and frees any resource that may be open
public function __destruct()
if(is_resource($this->query)) mysql_free_result($this->query);
if(mysql_ping($this->link)) mysql_close($this->link);