* @author sudhir vishwakarma <sudhir.vis@gmail.com>
* @copyright Sudhir Vishwakarma (www.itwebinfo.com)
* @version 0.1 20100602
* How to use :
* Create your database in MySQL, and create a table in which
* to store your session information. The example code below
* uses a table called "session". Here is the SQL command
* which created it:
* CREATE TABLE sessions (id varchar(32) NOT NULL,access
* int(10) unsigned,data text,PRIMARY KEY (id));
require_once "session.php";
$oSession = new Session();
print_r($_SESSION); // First
$_SESSION['hi'] = "Hello"; // Comment this Once sessoin is set
$_SESSION['test'] = "great"; // Comment this Once sessoin is set