# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 CustomCode.info. All Rights Reserved.
# This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
# URL: [url]http://customcode.info[/url]
# Function: Random String Generation
# Author: fwhite
# Language: PHP
# License: Public Domain
# ----------------- THIS IS FREE SOFTWARE ----------------
# Version: $Id: randlib.class.php 1 2010-02-18 19:24:56Z fwhite $
# Created: Monday, December 28, 2009 / 01:16 AM GMT+1 (fwhite)
# Last Modified: $Date: 2010-02-18 20:24:56 +0100 (Thu, 18 Feb 2010) $
# Notice: Please maintain this section
This is a collection of random string generation methods.
This code has been created by various authors.
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
class random
// START randlib.class.php
* source: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.rand.php#87095
* source: http://pns.mehedi.com.bd/2009/12/generate-random-string-numbers-in-php
* @param integer $length length of returned string
* @param string $letters allowed characters in returned string
* @param integer $mt_rand specify use of mt_rand() or rand()
* @return string
function generateRandomString($length = 11, $letters = '-1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm', $mt_rand = 1)
$s = '';
$lettersLength = strlen($letters)-1;
for($i = 0 ; $i < $length ; $i++)
if($mt_rand == 1)
$s .= $letters[mt_rand(0,$lettersLength)];
$s .= $letters[rand(0,$lettersLength)];
return $s;
randomString Script- © 2008 Jean Korte (www.jeankorte.ca)
randString( int $length [, string $type[, string $exclude [, bool $repeat]]])
Returns a random string of length $length or false on failure.
$type mixed - default
- alphanumeric, both upper and lower case
mixed-uc - alphanumeric, upper case
mixed-lc - alphanumeric, lower case
alpha - alpha, both upper and lower case
alpha-uc - alpha, upper case
alpha-lc - alpha, lower case
numeric - numeric
$exclude alphanumeric string of characters to exclude. Defaults to null.
$repeat Set to false to prevent repetition of characters in string. Default is true.
Designed for captcha - could also be used for passwords.
For mixed captcha, suggested exclusions are 0Oo1l2Z5S.
For aural captcha, consider also excluding fFxXsS.
function randString($length=11,$type=false,$exclude=false,$repeat=true)
$string['lower'] = '-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$string['digits'] = '0123456789';
$exclude = str_split($exclude);
foreach($string as $key=>$value)
$string[$key] = str_ireplace($exclude,'',$value);
switch ($type)
case 'numeric':
$chars = $string['digits'];
case 'alpha':
$chars = $string['lower'].$string['upper'];
case 'alpha-uc':
$chars = $string['upper'];
case 'alpha-lc':
$chars = $string['lower'];
case 'mixed-uc':
$chars = $string['upper'].$string['digits'];
case 'mixed-lc':
$chars = $string['lower'].$string['digits'];
case 'mixed':
$char_length = strlen($chars);
if((!$repeat) AND ($length > $char_length ))
$err_msg = "ALLOWING REPEATS - only $char_length chars available ";
$rand_string = "";
for ($i = 0; ($i < $length); $i++)
$char = substr($chars,mt_rand(0, strlen($chars) - 1), 1);
$rand_string .= $char;
return $rand_string;
* Generate a random character string
* source: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.rand.php#90773
* author: kyle dot florence [@t] gmail dot com
* @param integer $length length of retured string
* @param string $chars characters to use in returned string
* @return string
function rand_str($length = 32, $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890')
// Length of character list
$chars_length = (strlen($chars) - 1);
// Start our string
$string = $chars{rand(0, $chars_length)};
// Generate random string
for ($i = 1; $i < $length; $i = strlen($string))
// Grab a random character from our list
$r = $chars{rand(0, $chars_length)};
// Make sure the same two characters don't appear next to each other
if ($r != $string{$i - 1}) $string .= $r;
// Return the string
return $string;
* genRandStr() creates a random string, with parameters to control length, type of characters,
* and also the ability to create an array of these randomized strings with the established properties
* (as opposed to running the function multiple times, which would require program to loop through
* the logic portion of the function again and again).
* source: http://bundyxc.com/?p=158
* author: bundyxc
* genRandStr($minLen, $maxLen, $alphaLower = 1, $alphaUpper = 1, $num = 1, $batch = 1)
* @param integer $minLen is the minimum length of the string. Required.
* @param integer $maxLen is the maximum length of the string. Required.
* @param integer $alphaLower toggles the use of lowercase letters (a-z). Default is 1 (lowercase letters may be used).
* @param integer $alphaUpper toggles the use of uppercase letters (A-Z). Default is 1 (uppercase letters may be used).
* @param integer $num toggles the use of numbers (0-9). Default is 1 (numbers may be used).
* @param integer $batch specifies the number of strings to create. Default is 1 (returns one string).
* When $batch is not 1 the function returns an array of multiple strings.
* @return array
* Usage:
* //Output is a single string 5-10 characters long, using solely lowercase and numbers.
* print_r(genRandStr(5, 10, 1, 0, 1, 1));
* //Output is an array containing 50 strings that are only uppercase, and 8 characters long.
* print_r(genRandStr(8, 8, 0, 1, 0, 50));
* //Output is a single string 5-10 characters long, using the full alphabet (uppercase and lowercase), and all numbers.
* print_r(genRandStr(5, 10));
function genRandStr($minLen, $maxLen, $alphaLower = 1, $alphaUpper = 1, $num = 1, $batch = 1)
$alphaLowerArray = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z');
$alphaUpperArray = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z');
$numArray = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
if (isset($minLen) && isset($maxLen)) {
if ($minLen == $maxLen) {
$strLen = $minLen;
} else {
$strLen = rand($minLen, $maxLen);
$merged = array_merge($alphaLowerArray, $alphaUpperArray, $numArray);
if ($alphaLower == 1 && $alphaUpper == 1 && $num == 1) {
$finalArray = array_merge($alphaLowerArray, $alphaUpperArray, $numArray);
} elseif ($alphaLower == 1 && $alphaUpper == 1 && $num == 0) {
$finalArray = array_merge($alphaLowerArray, $alphaUpperArray);
} elseif ($alphaLower == 1 && $alphaUpper == 0 && $num == 1) {
$finalArray = array_merge($alphaLowerArray, $numArray);
} elseif ($alphaLower == 0 && $alphaUpper == 1 && $num == 1) {
$finalArray = array_merge($alphaUpperArray, $numArray);
} elseif ($alphaLower == 1 && $alphaUpper == 0 && $num == 0) {
$finalArray = $alphaLowerArray;
} elseif ($alphaLower == 0 && $alphaUpper == 1 && $num == 0) {
$finalArray = $alphaUpperArray;
} elseif ($alphaLower == 0 && $alphaUpper == 0 && $num == 1) {
$finalArray = $numArray;
} else {
return FALSE;
$count = count($finalArray);
if ($batch == 1) {
$str = '';
$i = 1;
while ($i <= $strLen) {
$rand = rand(0, $count);
$newChar = $finalArray[$rand];
$str .= $newChar;
$result = $str;
} else {
$j = 1;
$result = array();
while ($j <= $batch) {
$str = '';
$i = 1;
while ($i <= $strLen) {
$rand = rand(0, $count);
$newChar = $finalArray[$rand];
$str .= $newChar;
$result[] = $str;
return $result;
* source: http://www.wlscripting.com/tutorial/39
* author: http://www.wlscripting.com/tutorial/author/Daniel
* @param integer $length length of returned string
* @param string $type minimum number
* @return string
function randomString($length = '8', $type = '') {
// Select which type of characters you want in your random string
switch($type) {
case 'num':
// Use only numbers
$salt = '1234567890';
case 'lower':
// Use only lowercase letters
$salt = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
case 'upper':
// Use only uppercase letters
// Use uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols
$salt = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890$*#@!?';
$rand = '';
$i = 0;
while ($i < $length) { // Loop until you have met the length
$num = rand() % strlen($salt);
$tmp = substr($salt, $num, 1);
$rand = $rand . $tmp;
return $rand; // Return the random string
* source: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.rand.php#95420
* @param integer $n number of random numbers to return in the array
* @param integer $min minimum number
* @param integer $max maximum number
* @return array
function uniqueRand($n, $min = 0, $max = null)
if($max === null)
$max = getrandmax();
$array = range($min, $max);
$return = array();
$keys = array_rand($array, $n);
foreach($keys as $key)
$return[] = $array[$key];
return $return;
* source: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.rand.php#91531
* author: alex at bimpson dot com
* @param integer $total number of random numbers to return in the array
* @param integer $min lowest possible value
* @param integer $max highest possible value
* @return array
function rand_array($total,$min,$max)
$rand = array();
while (count($rand) < $total ) {
$r = mt_rand($min,$max);
if ( !in_array($r,$rand) ) {
$rand[] = $r;
return $rand;
* source: http://squirrelmail.org/docs/stable-code/__filesource/fsource_squirrelmail__functionsstrings.php.html#a604
* author: The SquirrelMail Project Team
* Generates a random string from the caracter set you pass in
* @param int size the size of the string to generate
* @param string chars a string containing the characters to use
* @param int flags a flag to add a specific set to the characters to use:
* Flags:
* 1 = add lowercase a-z to $chars
* 2 = add uppercase A-Z to $chars
* 4 = add numbers 0-9 to $chars
* @return string the random string
function SQM_GenerateRandomString($size, $chars, $flags = 0) {
if ($flags & 0x1) {
$chars .= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
if ($flags & 0x2) {
if ($flags & 0x4) {
$chars .= '0123456789';
if (($size < 1) || (strlen($chars) < 1)) {
return '';
/* Initialize the random number generator */
mt_srand(microtime() * rand());
$String = '';
$j = strlen( $chars ) - 1;
while (strlen($String) < $size) {
$String .= $chars{mt_rand(0, $j)};
return $String;
* Generate a random string similar to Microsoft's VLK
* author: fwhite
* @param integer $length length of returned string
* @param string $chars allowed characters in returned string
* @param integer $mt_rand specify use of mt_rand() or rand()
* @return string
function generate_VLK($length = 60, $chars = '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', $mt_rand = 1)
$s = '';
$charsLength = strlen($chars)-1;
for($i = 0 ; $i < $length ; $i++)
if($mt_rand == 1)
$s .= $chars[mt_rand(0,$charsLength)];
$s .= $chars[rand(0,$charsLength)];
$s = str_split($s,5);
$s = join('-', $s);
return $s;
// END randlib.class.php