error_reporting (E_ALL);
echo '<pre>';
// include class
// Test 1 - based on the examples in RFC 2396 Appendix C
$base = 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q';
$rel = array();
$rel[] = array (
$rel[] = array (
$rel[] = array (
$rel[] = array (
$rel[] = array (
$rel[] = array('http:g');
print_section('RFC 2396 - Appendix C - Examples of resolving relative URI references');
echo 'Base: '.$base."\n";
foreach ($rel as $rel_urls) {
echo "\n";
foreach ($rel_urls as $rel_url) {
$url =& new URL($base);
echo $rel_url."\t\t = ";
echo $url->as_string();
echo "\n";
// Test
print_section('Setting a relative URL');
$absolute =& new URL('http://www.bla.com/seg1/seg2/seg3/bah.php?query');
$relative =& new URL('../../test.php');
echo 'Absolute: '.$absolute->as_string()."\n";
echo 'Relative: '.$relative->as_string()."\n";
echo '$absolute->set_relative($relative->as_string()); $absolute->as_string() == '.$absolute->as_string()."\n";
// Test
print_section('Setting a relative URL 2');
$absolute =& new URL('http://www.k1m.com');
echo 'Absolute: '.$absolute->as_string()."\n";
echo '$absolute->set_relative(\'scripts/\'); $absolute->as_string() == '.$absolute->as_string()."\n";
// Test
print_section('Comparing URLs');
// following should all be equivalent
$url1_string = 'http://abc.com:80/~smith/home.html';
$url2_string = 'http://ABC.com/%7Esmith/home.html';
$url3_string = 'http://ABC.com:/%7esmith/home.html';
$url1 =& new URL($url1_string);
$url2 =& new URL($url2_string);
$url3 =& new URL($url3_string);
// url1 and url2
echo $url1_string;
echo ($url1->equal_to($url2)) ? "\n is equal to\n" : "\n is NOT equal to\n";
echo $url2_string,"\n\n";
// url1 and url3
echo $url1_string;
echo ($url1->equal_to($url3)) ? "\n is equal to\n" : "\n is NOT equal to\n";
echo $url3_string;
// Test
print_section('Grabbing various URL parts');
$test_url = 'http://user:pass@domain.com/path/to/here.htm?query=bla&show=no#fragment';
echo '$test_url = \'http://user:pass@domain.com/path/to/here.htm?query=bla&show=no#fragment\';',"\n";
$url =& new URL($test_url);
echo '$url =& new URL($test_url);',"\n";
echo 'scheme: ',$url->get_scheme(),"\n";
echo 'user: ',$url->get_user(),"\n";
echo 'pass: ',$url->get_pass(),"\n";
echo 'host: ',$url->get_host(),"\n";
echo 'path: ',$url->get_path(),"\n";
echo 'query: ',$url->get_query(),"\n";
echo 'fragment: ',$url->get_fragment(),"\n";
echo '</pre>';
function print_section($desc='')
static $num = 1;
echo "\n\n";
echo '+---------------------------------------------',"\n";
echo '| Test ',$num,' - ',$desc,"\n";
echo '+---------------------------------------------',"\n";
echo "\n";